Between Trust and Ambivalence : How Does Trainee Teachers’ Perception of the Relationship With Their Mentors Explain How Trainee Teachers Experience Their Work?
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The study aims to identify profiles of trainee teachers in terms of their stress and work experiences and to uncover profile differences in regard to dropout intentions and perceived relationships between trainee teachers and their mentors. Based on data from 1,756 German trainee teachers, three distinct stress and work experience profiles could be identified. Trainee teachers with high levels of stress and negative work experiences exhibit higher dropout intentions and experience their relationship with their mentors as less transparent, fair and trusting, and more ambivalent compared to trainee teachers with low levels of stress and positive work experiences. The results underline the importance of the relationship between mentors and trainee teachers for the professional development of future teachers.
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ISO 690
MAUÉ, Elisabeth, Michael GOLLER, Caroline BONNES, Tobias KÄRNER, 2024. Between Trust and Ambivalence : How Does Trainee Teachers’ Perception of the Relationship With Their Mentors Explain How Trainee Teachers Experience Their Work?. In: Vocations and Learning. Springer. 2024, 17(2), S. 219-251. ISSN 1874-785X. eISSN 1874-7868. Verfügbar unter: doi: 10.1007/s12186-023-09340-zBibTex
@article{Maue2024-07Betwe-68732, year={2024}, doi={10.1007/s12186-023-09340-z}, title={Between Trust and Ambivalence : How Does Trainee Teachers’ Perception of the Relationship With Their Mentors Explain How Trainee Teachers Experience Their Work?}, number={2}, volume={17}, issn={1874-785X}, journal={Vocations and Learning}, pages={219--251}, author={Maué, Elisabeth and Goller, Michael and Bonnes, Caroline and Kärner, Tobias} }
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