Blind Braille readers mislocate tactile stimuli
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Core Facility der Universität Konstanz
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In a previous experiment, we observed that blind Braille readers produce errors when asked to identify on which finger of one hand a light tactile stimulus had occurred. With the present study, we aimed to specify the characteristics of this perceptual error in blind and sighted participants. The experiment confirmed that blind Braille readers mislocalised tactile stimuli more often than sighted controls, and that the localisation errors occurred significantly more often at the right reading hand than at the non-reading hand. Most importantly, we discovered that the reading fingers showed the smallest error frequency, but the highest rate of stimulus attribution. The dissociation of perceiving and locating tactile stimuli in the blind suggests altered tactile information processing. Neuroplasticity, changes in tactile attention mechanisms as well as the idea that blind persons may employ different strategies for tactile exploration and object localisation are discussed as possible explanations for the results obtained.
Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache
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ISO 690
STERR, Annette, Lisa HERRMANN-GREEN, Thomas ELBERT, 2003. Blind Braille readers mislocate tactile stimuli. In: Biological psychology. 2003, 63, pp. 117-127. Available under: doi: 10.1016/S0301-0511(03)00051-6BibTex
@article{Sterr2003Blind-10465, year={2003}, doi={10.1016/S0301-0511(03)00051-6}, title={Blind Braille readers mislocate tactile stimuli}, volume={63}, journal={Biological psychology}, pages={117--127}, author={Sterr, Annette and Herrmann-Green, Lisa and Elbert, Thomas} }
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