Biologie: Datensätze
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Datensatz Data and scripts for Kopp et al. 2023 "A comprehensive overview of baboon phylogenetic history". Genes(2023) Zinner, Dietmar; Kopp, Gisela H.Datensatz Source Data: Flower patterns improve foraging efficiency in bumblebees independent of nectary guidance(2022) Richter, Robin; Dietz, Alexander; Foster, James J.; Spaethe, Johannes; Stöckl, Anna L.Datensatz Parasitic plants indirectly regulate decomposition of soil organic matter(2022) Yuan, Yongge; Lin, Xinru; Chen, Gelv; van Kleunen, Mark; Li, JunminDatensatz Data from: Abundant-core thinking clarifies exceptions to the abundant-center distribution pattern(2022) Fristoe, Trevor; Vilela, Bruno; Brown, James H; Botero, CarlosDatensatz Assemblies of 269 Metagenomic Tara Pacific Sequencing Samples - part 1(V1.0.0, 2023) Ruscheweyh, Hans-Joachim; Veglia, Alex; Bistolas, Kalia; Voolstra, Christian R.; Hume, Benjamin C. C.; Planes, Serge; Allemand, Denis; Boissin, Emilie; Wincker, Patrick; Poulain, Julie; Moulin, Clementine; Bourdin, Guillaume; Iwankow, Guillaume; Romac, Sarah; Agostini, Sylvain; Banaigs, Bernard; Boss, Emmanuel; Bowler, Chris; de Vargas, Colomban; Douville, Eric; Flores, Michel; Forcioli, Didier; Furla, Paola; Galand, Pierre; Gilson, Eric; Lombard, Fabien; Pesant, Stephane; Reynaud, Stephanie; Sunagawa, Shinichi; Thomas, Olivier; Trouble, Romain; Zoccola, Didier; Correa, Adrienne; Thurber, RebeccaDatensatz Data from: 30 Years Brings Changes to the Arthropod Community of Kibale National Park, Uganda(V1, 2023) Opito, Emmanuel A.; Alanko, Timo; Kalbitzer, Urs; Nummelin, Matti; Omeja, Patrick; Valtonen, Anu; Chapman, Colin A.Datensatz Data from: Wild goose chase : geese flee high and far, and with aftereffects from New Year’s fireworks(2022) Kölzsch, Andrea; Lameris, Thomas K.; Müskens, Gerhard J.D.M.; Schreven, Kees H.T.; Buitendijk, Nelleke H.; Kruckenberg, Helmut; Moonen, Sander; Heinicke, Thomas; Cao, Lei; Madsen, Jesper; Wikelski, Martin; Nolet, Bart A.Datensatz Supplementary material from "Modelling animal contests based on spatio-temporal dynamics"(V1, 2023) Haluts, Amir; Jordan, Alex; Gov, Nir S.Datensatz Extracting interaction potentials from trajectories: code and a set of 30 simulated contest trajectories(V1, 2022) Haluts, Amir; Jordan, Alex; Gov, NirDatensatz Data for: Quantifying the movement, behaviour and environmental context of group-living animals using drones and computer vision(V1, 2023) Koger, Benjamin; Deshpande, Adwait; T. Kerby, Jeffrey; Graving, Jacob M.; Costelloe, Blair R.; Couzin, Iain D.Datensatz Growth produces coordination trade-offs in Trichoplax adhaerens, an animal lacking a central nervous system(V1, 2023) Davidescu, Mircea; Romanczuk, Pawel; Gregor, Thomas; Couzin, Iain D.Datensatz raw data of : Endangered spined loach Cobitis species in Southwest Germany : A complex network of native, hybrid and newly emerged populations(2023) Roch, Samuel; Bartolin, Patrick; Vonlanthen, Pascal; Baer, Jan; Grundmüller, Simon; Epp, Laura S.; Brinker, AlexanderDatensatz Supplementary material from "Consistency and individuality of honeybee stinging behaviour across time and social contexts"(V1, 2025) Kannan, Kavitha; Galizia, C. Giovanni; Nouvian, MorganeDatensatz Heparin Specifically Interacts with Basic BBXB Motifs of the Chemokine CCL21 to Define CCR7 Signaling(V1, 2023) Artinger, Marc; Gerken, Oliver J.; Legler, Daniel F.Datensatz Datensatz Raw data of the EFSA NAMs Project on Tebufenpyrad, Part 2 (Annex B) (NP/EFSA/SCER/2020/02) (Alimohammadi et al., 2023)(Vv1, 2023) Alimohammadi, Mahshid; Meyburg, Birthe; Ückert, Anna-Katharina; Holzer, Anna-Katharina; Leist, MarcelDatensatz Supplementary material from "Increased signal complexity is associated with increased mating success"(V1, 2022) Choi, Noori; Adams, Matt; Fowler-Finn, Kasey; Knowlton, Elise; Rosenthal, Malcolm; Rundus, Aaron; Santer, Roger D.; Wilgers, Dustin; Hebets, Eileen A.Datensatz Datensatz Synergistic olfactory processing for social plasticity in desert locusts(2024) Petelski, Inga; Günzel, Yannick; Sayin, Sercan; Kraus, Susanne; Couzin-Fuchs, EinatDatensatz Data from: Dissolved nitrogen uptake versus nitrogen fixation : Mode of nitrogen acquisition affects stable isotope signatures of a diazotrophic cyanobacterium and its grazer(Vv1, 2024) Helmer, Michelle; Helmer, Desiree; Yohannes, Elizabeth; Newton, Jason; Dietrich, Daniel R.; Martin-Creuzburg, Dominik