Polemik, Unfreundlichkeit und Invektivität in den Briefen des Hieronymus am Beispiel der jovinianischen Kontroverse
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Unfriendly modes of communication are integral parts of theological controversy in the Early Church. As some of the most notorious examples in this regard, the works written by Jerome of Stridon offer plentiful features of polemic ranging from relatively subtle forms of unfriendliness to open invective. Particularly well suited for a comparative reading is a group of three letters from Jerome’s pen dating to a time when the Jovinian controversy had reached yet another climactic point. Closely related to one another, since both their recipients count among Jerome’s supporters in Rome, these letters (48, 49, and 50 Hilberg) serve as case studies of epistolary polemic in Late Antiquity inviting comparison with other patristic authors, as well.
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ISO 690
SCHAAF, Ingo, 2018. Polemik, Unfreundlichkeit und Invektivität in den Briefen des Hieronymus am Beispiel der jovinianischen Kontroverse. In: Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum : Journal of Ancient Christianity. De Gruyter. 2018, 22(1), pp. 125-150. ISSN 0949-9571. eISSN 1612-961X. Available under: doi: 10.1515/zac-2018-0017BibTex
@article{Schaaf2018-05-31Polem-48566, year={2018}, doi={10.1515/zac-2018-0017}, title={Polemik, Unfreundlichkeit und Invektivität in den Briefen des Hieronymus am Beispiel der jovinianischen Kontroverse}, number={1}, volume={22}, issn={0949-9571}, journal={Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum : Journal of Ancient Christianity}, pages={125--150}, author={Schaaf, Ingo} }
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