Domain walls in antiferromagnets : The effect of Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interactions
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We investigate domain walls in antiferromagnets focusing on the effect of Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interactions (DMIs). Using spin model simulations and analytical arguments within a continuum theory, we show that Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interactions affect static as well as dynamic properties of the domain wall. For certain configurations of the DMI vectors, the DMI can either tilt the easy plane of the domain wall, an effect that leads to a reduced domain wall width, or it can favor a certain chirality of the domain wall. Depending on the DMI configuration, the DMI may lead to an increasing or decreasing domain wall velocity. The asymmetry of the domain wall velocity observed in ferromagnets subject to DMI cannot be found in antiferromagnetic systems.
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ISO 690
CONZELMANN, Teo, Severin SELZER, Ulrich NOWAK, 2020. Domain walls in antiferromagnets : The effect of Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interactions. In: Journal of Applied Physics. American Institute of Physics (AIP). 2020, 127(22), 223908. ISSN 0021-8979. eISSN 1089-7550. Available under: doi: 10.1063/5.0009409BibTex
@article{Conzelmann2020-06-14Domai-49892, year={2020}, doi={10.1063/5.0009409}, title={Domain walls in antiferromagnets : The effect of Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interactions}, number={22}, volume={127}, issn={0021-8979}, journal={Journal of Applied Physics}, author={Conzelmann, Teo and Selzer, Severin and Nowak, Ulrich}, note={Article Number: 223908} }
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