Disparate genetic divergence patterns in three corals across a pan-Pacific environmental gradient highlight species-specific adaptation
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Core Facility der Universität Konstanz
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Tropical coral reefs are among the most affected ecosystems by climate change and face increasing loss in the coming decades. Effective conservation strategies that maximize ecosystem resilience must be informed by the accurate characterization of extant genetic diversity and population structure together with an understanding of the adaptive potential of keystone species. Here we analyzed samples from the Tara Pacific Expedition (2016–2018) that completed an 18,000 km longitudinal transect of the Pacific Ocean sampling three widespread corals— Pocillopora meandrina , Porites lobata , and Millepora cf. platyphylla —across 33 sites from 11 islands. Using deep metagenomic sequencing of 269 colonies in conjunction with morphological analyses and climate variability data, we can show that despite a targeted sampling the transect encompasses multiple cryptic species. These species exhibit disparate biogeographic patterns and, most importantly, distinct evolutionary patterns in identical environmental regimes. Our findings demonstrate on a basin scale that evolutionary trajectories are species-specific and can only in part be predicted from the environment. This highlights that conservation strategies must integrate multi-species investigations to discern the distinct genomic footprints shaped by selection as well as the genetic potential for adaptive change.
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ISO 690
VOOLSTRA, Christian R., Benjamin C. C. HUME, Eric J. ARMSTRONG, Guinther MITUSHASI, Barbara PORRO, Nicolas OURY, Sylvain AGOSTINI, Emilie BOISSIN, Julie POULAIN, Quentin CARRADEC, 2023. Disparate genetic divergence patterns in three corals across a pan-Pacific environmental gradient highlight species-specific adaptation. In: npj Biodiversity. Springer. 2023, 2(1), 15. eISSN 2731-4243. Available under: doi: 10.1038/s44185-023-00020-8BibTex
@article{Voolstra2023-07-07Dispa-67359, year={2023}, doi={10.1038/s44185-023-00020-8}, title={Disparate genetic divergence patterns in three corals across a pan-Pacific environmental gradient highlight species-specific adaptation}, number={1}, volume={2}, journal={npj Biodiversity}, author={Voolstra, Christian R. and Hume, Benjamin C. C. and Armstrong, Eric J. and Mitushasi, Guinther and Porro, Barbara and Oury, Nicolas and Agostini, Sylvain and Boissin, Emilie and Poulain, Julie and Carradec, Quentin}, note={Article Number: 15} }
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