The diagram as board game : Semiotic discoveries in Alfonso the Wise’s Book of Games (1283 CE) - with some observations as to Gudea as Architect (2000 BCE)
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At the end of the thirteenth century, a book about board games was created at the Spanish court of king Alfonso the Wise. The book enjoys a particular reputation because of its unique topic and is considered one of the most important medieval diagram manuscripts. Using letters and images, the book draws up the rules of different board games known at the time. Much of the explanations of the game would be incomprehensible without the accompanying miniatures, which is why this study sets out to explore the board games’ diagrammatic concepts of depiction. Studying the manuscript teaches us not only much about old games but also much about basic operations with diagrams. What in particular becomes apparent is the close connection between board games and diagrams, which is why I would claim that board games can be analysed as diagrams, and diagrams as board games.
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ISO 690
BOGEN, Steffen, 2016. The diagram as board game : Semiotic discoveries in Alfonso the Wise’s Book of Games (1283 CE) - with some observations as to Gudea as Architect (2000 BCE). In: KRÄMER, Sybille, ed., Christina LJUNGBERG, ed.. Thinking with Diagrams : The Semiotic Basis of Human Cognition. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 2016, pp. 179-208. Semiotics, Communication and Cognition. 17. ISBN 978-1-5015-1169-1. Available under: doi: 10.1515/9781501503757-009BibTex
@incollection{Bogen2016diagr-43931, year={2016}, doi={10.1515/9781501503757-009}, title={The diagram as board game : Semiotic discoveries in Alfonso the Wise’s Book of Games (1283 CE) - with some observations as to Gudea as Architect (2000 BCE)}, number={17}, isbn={978-1-5015-1169-1}, publisher={De Gruyter Mouton}, address={Berlin}, series={Semiotics, Communication and Cognition}, booktitle={Thinking with Diagrams : The Semiotic Basis of Human Cognition}, pages={179--208}, editor={Krämer, Sybille and Ljungberg, Christina}, author={Bogen, Steffen} }
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