Out-of-Sample Performance of Norm-Constrained Portfolios
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Core Facility der Universität Konstanz
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This paper extends the academic research around the Norm-Constrained Portfolio Strategies introduced by DeMiguel et al. in 2009 in terms of out-of-sample performance evaluation on the German Stock Market (DAX) for the years 2003 – 2020. Therefore, four different variations of the Norm-Constrained Portfolios are used that are: 1) 1-Norm Constrained Portfolio calibrated for low variance, 2) 1-Norm Constrained Portfolio calibrated for maximum return, 3) 2-Norm Constrained Portfolio calibrated for low variance, and 4) 2-Norm Constrained Portfolio calibrated for maximum portfolio return. A rolling window approach is applied to evaluate out-of-sample performance. Thereby Return, Variance, and Sharpe Ratio are taken as performance measurements. Empirical results show that the 1-Norm Constrained Portfolio calibrated for low variance is able to provide a significantly lower variance than the DAX given same return. However, this result may be viewed with a grain of salt since the corresponding Sharpe Ratio is not superior as it should be compared to the DAX’ one. Hence the result may suffer from a calculation error which I was not able to locate.
Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache
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ISO 690
HAUDEK, Marlon, 2021. Out-of-Sample Performance of Norm-Constrained Portfolios [Bachelor thesis]. Konstanz: Universität KonstanzBibTex
@mastersthesis{Haudek2021Outof-67805, year={2021}, title={Out-of-Sample Performance of Norm-Constrained Portfolios}, address={Konstanz}, school={Universität Konstanz}, author={Haudek, Marlon} }
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