Protected through Part-time Employment? : Labor Market Status, Domestic Responsibilities, and the Life Satisfaction of German Women during the COVID-19 Pandemic
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The COVID-19 lockdown measures have challenged individuals to reconcile employment, childcare, and housework. This article addresses whether these challenges have reduced life satisfaction among German women by focusing on their labor market status and drawing upon a topical online survey (Kantar) collected in Germany at two points in time: May 2020 and November 2020. We find that part-time employed women were better protected against a decline in life satisfaction, but only during the first lockdown. Economically inactive women were most likely to experience a decline in life satisfaction during the first lockdown, but least likely during the second lockdown. Life satisfaction has further decreased between the first and the second lockdown, and the likelihood of a decrease has converged for full-time, part-time, and economically inactive women.
Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache
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ISO 690
BERTOGG, Ariane, Nevena KULIC, Susanne STRAUSS, 2022. Protected through Part-time Employment? : Labor Market Status, Domestic Responsibilities, and the Life Satisfaction of German Women during the COVID-19 Pandemic. In: Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society. Oxford University Press. 2022, 29(4), pp. 1236-1260. ISSN 1072-4745. eISSN 1468-2893. Available under: doi: 10.1093/sp/jxab048BibTex
@article{Bertogg2022Prote-55919, year={2022}, doi={10.1093/sp/jxab048}, title={Protected through Part-time Employment? : Labor Market Status, Domestic Responsibilities, and the Life Satisfaction of German Women during the COVID-19 Pandemic}, number={4}, volume={29}, issn={1072-4745}, journal={Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society}, pages={1236--1260}, author={Bertogg, Ariane and Kulic, Nevena and Strauß, Susanne}, note={Correction:} }
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