Economic disturbances in the COVID-19 crisis and their gendered impact on unpaid activities in Germany and Italy
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This article investigates whether changes in women’s and men’s contributions to household income in Germany and Italy during the COVID-19 pandemic are associated with changes in unpaid work. The current health crisis represents a unique opportunity to explore these topics, because the restrictive measures imposed during the lockdown are likely to have generated an unexpected shock to both domestic work and individual ability to contribute to household income. Using data from two novel datasets collected in Germany and Italy during the pandemic, this article shows that changes to both contribution to household income and unpaid activities during the crisis have been gendered, affecting women more negatively than men. In addition, we suggest that economic disturbances during the pandemic are associated with gendered changes in unpaid work that seem to be driven by changes in bargaining power in both countries. Our results also show some support for enhanced traditionalization of domestic life among German couples during the crisis, as predicted by gender display theories, albeit only regarding childcare.
Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache
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ISO 690
KULIC, Nevena, Giulia M. DOTTI SANI, Susanne STRAUSS, Luna BELLANI, 2021. Economic disturbances in the COVID-19 crisis and their gendered impact on unpaid activities in Germany and Italy. In: European Societies. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 2021, 23(S1), pp. S400-S416. ISSN 1461-6696. eISSN 1469-8307. Available under: doi: 10.1080/14616696.2020.1828974BibTex
@article{Kulic2021Econo-51352, year={2021}, doi={10.1080/14616696.2020.1828974}, title={Economic disturbances in the COVID-19 crisis and their gendered impact on unpaid activities in Germany and Italy}, number={S1}, volume={23}, issn={1461-6696}, journal={European Societies}, pages={S400--S416}, author={Kulic, Nevena and Dotti Sani, Giulia M. and Strauß, Susanne and Bellani, Luna} }
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