A 3-state defect model for light-induced degradation in boron-doped float-zone silicon
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Core Facility der Universität Konstanz
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We report on a light-induced bulk defect activation and subsequent deactivation in boron doped float-zone silicon that can be described by a 3-state model. During treatment at elevated temperature and illumination, a sample first converts from an initial high lifetime state into a degraded low lifetime state and then shows a recovery reaction leading to a third high lifetime state that is then stable under degradation conditions. Furthermore, it is shown that reverse reactions into the initial state appear to be possible both from the degraded as well as the regenerated state. An injection dependent analysis of lifetime data yields a defect capture cross section ratio of ∼20 suggesting a positively charged defect.
Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache
Fachgebiet (DDC)
ISO 690
SPERBER, David, Axel HERGUTH, Giso HAHN, 2017. A 3-state defect model for light-induced degradation in boron-doped float-zone silicon. In: Physica Status Solidi (RRL) : Rapid Research Letters. 2017, 11(3), 1600408. ISSN 1862-6254. eISSN 1862-6270. Available under: doi: 10.1002/pssr.201600408BibTex
@article{Sperber2017-033stat-38729, year={2017}, doi={10.1002/pssr.201600408}, title={A 3-state defect model for light-induced degradation in boron-doped float-zone silicon}, number={3}, volume={11}, issn={1862-6254}, journal={Physica Status Solidi (RRL) : Rapid Research Letters}, author={Sperber, David and Herguth, Axel and Hahn, Giso}, note={Article Number: 1600408} }
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