Novel zirconocene hydride complexes in homogeneous and in SiO 2 -supported olefin-polymerization catalysts modified with diisobutylaluminum hydride or triisobutylaluminum
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Reactive species in SiO2-supported, zirconocene-based olefin-polymerization catalysts have been characterized by comparison of their UV-vis spectra with those of related, NMR-spectroscopically identified catalyst species in homogeneous solution. Neutral zirconocene dihydride complexes are found to arise in hydrocarbon solutions as well as on SiO2 supports when catalyst systems that contain rac-Me2Si(ind)2ZrCl2 and methylaluminoxane (MAO) are modified by addition of diisobutylaluminum hydride or triisobutylaluminum. These complexes, tentatively formulated as adducts with Lewis-acidic alkylaluminum species AlR2X, rac-Me2Si(ind)2ZrH2 · {nAlR2X}, are reconverted into the initial reactive zirconocene cations upon addition of isobutene to these reaction systems.
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ISO 690
BABUSHKIN, Dmitrii E., Valentina N. PANCHENKO, Maria N. TIMOFEEVA, Vladimir A. ZAKHAROV, Hans-Herbert BRINTZINGER, 2008. Novel zirconocene hydride complexes in homogeneous and in SiO 2 -supported olefin-polymerization catalysts modified with diisobutylaluminum hydride or triisobutylaluminum. In: Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics. 2008, 209(12), pp. 1210-1219. ISSN 1022-1352. eISSN 1521-3935. Available under: doi: 10.1002/macp.200800084BibTex
@article{Babushkin2008Novel-23666, year={2008}, doi={10.1002/macp.200800084}, title={Novel zirconocene hydride complexes in homogeneous and in SiO 2 -supported olefin-polymerization catalysts modified with diisobutylaluminum hydride or triisobutylaluminum}, number={12}, volume={209}, issn={1022-1352}, journal={Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics}, pages={1210--1219}, author={Babushkin, Dmitrii E. and Panchenko, Valentina N. and Timofeeva, Maria N. and Zakharov, Vladimir A. and Brintzinger, Hans-Herbert} }
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