Analysis of Subcycle Electro-Optic Sampling Without Background
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We explore background-free options to detect mid-infrared (MIR) electric transients. The MIR field and a near-infrared probe interact via sum- (SFG) and difference-frequency generation (DFG) in an electro-optic crystal. An intuitive picture based on a phasor representation and rigorous numerical calculations are used for analysis. It turns out that separating photons generated either by SFG or DFG from the local oscillator via spectral filtering leads to a signal purely proportional the MIR intensity envelope. Background-free phase information may be extracted in a spectral window containing both SFG and DFG components and blocking the local oscillator background based on its orthogonal polarization. This variant leads to signal proportional to the square of the MIR field amplitude. It is limited by the finite efficiency of polarization filtering. The Hilbert transform as a conjugate variable to the electric field in the time domain turns out to play a fundamental role for the context discussed in this paper.
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ISO 690
BECKH, Cornelius, Philipp SULZER, Niklas FRITZSCHE, Claudius RIEK, Alfred LEITENSTORFER, 2021. Analysis of Subcycle Electro-Optic Sampling Without Background. In: Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. Springer. 2021, 42(6), pp. 701-714. ISSN 1866-6892. eISSN 1866-6906. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s10762-021-00789-4BibTex
@article{Beckh2021-06Analy-53496, year={2021}, doi={10.1007/s10762-021-00789-4}, title={Analysis of Subcycle Electro-Optic Sampling Without Background}, number={6}, volume={42}, issn={1866-6892}, journal={Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves}, pages={701--714}, author={Beckh, Cornelius and Sulzer, Philipp and Fritzsche, Niklas and Riek, Claudius and Leitenstorfer, Alfred} }
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