Diluted antiferromagnets in a magnetic field : A fractal-domain state with spin-glass behavior
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Core Facility der Universität Konstanz
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The phase diagram of diluted Ising antiferromagnets in the limit of a high external magnetic field B and strong dilution is investigated by a Monte Carlo simulation. The two relevant lines in the B-T plane of the phase diagram, Beq(T) which marks the onset of hysteretic effects and Bc(T) above which antiferromagnetic long-range order is no longer stable are determined. Between these two lines there is a broad range of high fields and low temperatures with the characteristics of a frozen-domain state. The irreversibilities observed in this state and the scaling behavior of Beq(T) both give evidence for the occurrence of a spin-glass phase. A further investigation of the relevant scaling laws for the domains leads to the conclusion that the domain state consists of fractal domains becoming stable for high magnetic fields.
Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache
Fachgebiet (DDC)
ISO 690
NOWAK, Ulrich, Klaus-Dieter USADEL, 1991. Diluted antiferromagnets in a magnetic field : A fractal-domain state with spin-glass behavior. In: Physical Review B. 1991, 44(14), pp. 7426-7432. Available under: doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.44.7426BibTex
@article{Nowak1991Dilut-5271, year={1991}, doi={10.1103/PhysRevB.44.7426}, title={Diluted antiferromagnets in a magnetic field : A fractal-domain state with spin-glass behavior}, number={14}, volume={44}, journal={Physical Review B}, pages={7426--7432}, author={Nowak, Ulrich and Usadel, Klaus-Dieter} }
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