
Frühe Veränderungen der Genexpression im schnellen m. Tibialis anterior der Ratte bei chronisch niederfrequenter Elektrostimulation



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Schneider, Achim Gerald



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Early changes of gene expression in fast-twitch m. Tibialis anterior of rat during chronic low-frequency stimulation

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Chronic low frequency stimulation elicits in mammalian skeletal muscles fast-to-slow fibre type conversions. To identify early changes in gene expression total RNA from 12-h stimulated Tibialis anterior (TA) rat-muscles were analysed by differential display RT-PCR. Among the signals of differentially expressed mRNAs, the cDNAs of both muscle LIM protein (MLP) and parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) were identified. Both mRNAs were hardly detectable in unstimulated, but gave a strong signal in 12-h stimulated TA.
MLP was previously described as an important factor for muscle differentiation but has not yet been identified in the adult skeletal muscle. In this study MLP is detected by immunoblotting as a strong band in the heart, in slow-twitch Soleus muscle and in 8-d stimulated fast twitch TA, but not in the contralateral TA. The weak immunohistochemical staining of 8 of muscle fibres in unstimulated TA increased to about 18 strong staining after 4d CLFS. MLP expression, initially restricted two type I and type IIA fibres, is induced after 4 days in these fibres and has spread to all fibres after 8 days of CLFS. A role of an elevated MLP content for muscle fibres with an increased contractile activity is being discussed.
The mRNA of PTHrP is transiently up-regulated by 70 - 80 fold after 12h CLFS as compared to the unstimulated TA muscle, but returns to basal levels with ongoing stimulation after 2 days. No differences in mRNA levels between Soleus and TA were detected. In all muscles under study PTHrP was exclusively located in blood vessels of both control and stimulated muscles. Moreover, PTHrP immunohistochemistry revealed enhanced capillarisation in 8-day-stimulated muscles. In view of its vasodilative effect, the upregulation of PTHrP could be an important step related to enhanced capillarisation in response to increased contractile activity.

Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache

Chronisch niederfrequente Elektrostimulation führt zur Umwandlung eines schnellen in einen langsamen und ausdauernden Skelettmuskel.
Zur Identifizierung von Genen, deren Proteine eine regulatorische Funktion bei diesem Umwandlungsprozeß haben, wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit die Methode des Differential Display angewandt. Unter den mRNAs, die im schnellen m. Tibialis anterior nach 12h CLFS drastisch hochreguliert werden, konnte das Muskel LIM-Protein (MLP) und das Parathyroidhormon-ähnliche Protein (PTHrP) identifiziert werden.
MLP ist ein wichtiger Faktor für die Muskeldifferenzierung, wurde bisher jedoch nicht in der adulten Skelettmuskulatur nachgewiesen. In der vorliegenden Studie wurde MLP im Immunoblot als starke Bande im Herzmuskel, im langsamen Soleus und im 8d elektrisch stimulierten schnellen TA nachgewiesen, nicht jedoch im kontralateralen TA. Während im nicht-stimulierten TA nur ~8 der Muskelfasern immunhistochemisch schwach gefärbt waren, stieg der Anteil der MLP-positiven Fasern nach 4d CLFS auf ~18 Die Expression von MLP ist im nicht-stimulierten TA auf eine Subpopulation von Typ I und Typ IIA Fasern beschränkt, wird nach 4d CLFS hauptsächlich in diesen Fasern induziert und hat sich nach 8d CLFS auf nahezu alle Fasern ausgeweitet. Eine Korrelation der MLP-positiven Fasern mit einer erhöhten kontraktilen Aktivität wird diskutiert.
Die mRNA von PTHrP ist nach 12h CLFS um den Faktor 70-80 hochreguliert, ist allerdings nach 2d wieder auf ihren Ausgangswert zurückgekehrt. Zwischen dem langsamen Soleus und schnellen TA bestehen bezüglich der Gehalte an PTHrP-mRNA keine Unterschiede. Immunhistochemische Untersuchungen zeigen, daß PTHrP in allen untersuchten Muskeln in den Blutgefäßen lokalisiert ist. Die bekannte Rolle von PTHrP als vasodilative Substanz in der glatten Muskulatur der Blutgefäße legt die Vermutung nahe, daß das durch die CLFS induzierte PTHrP die Blutgefäße erweitert.

Fachgebiet (DDC)
570 Biowissenschaften, Biologie


Parathyroid hormone related protein, Muscle LIM protein, Polymerase Kettenreaktion, schnell-zu-langsam Transformation, Kapillarisierung, Differential Display, skeletal muscle, differentiation, gene expression, blood vessel


undefined / . - undefined, undefined




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ISO 690SCHNEIDER, Achim Gerald, 1999. Frühe Veränderungen der Genexpression im schnellen m. Tibialis anterior der Ratte bei chronisch niederfrequenter Elektrostimulation [Dissertation]. Konstanz: University of Konstanz
  title={Frühe Veränderungen der Genexpression im schnellen m. Tibialis anterior der Ratte bei chronisch niederfrequenter Elektrostimulation},
  author={Schneider, Achim Gerald},
  school={Universität Konstanz}
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    <dcterms:abstract xml:lang="eng">Chronic low frequency stimulation elicits in mammalian skeletal muscles fast-to-slow fibre type conversions. To identify early changes in gene expression total RNA from 12-h stimulated Tibialis anterior (TA) rat-muscles were analysed by differential display RT-PCR. Among the signals of differentially expressed mRNAs, the cDNAs of both muscle LIM protein (MLP) and parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) were identified. Both mRNAs were hardly detectable in unstimulated, but gave a strong signal in 12-h stimulated TA.&lt;br /&gt;MLP was previously described as an important factor for muscle differentiation but has not yet been identified in the adult skeletal muscle. In this study MLP is detected by immunoblotting as a strong band in the heart, in slow-twitch Soleus muscle and in 8-d stimulated fast twitch TA, but not in the contralateral TA. The weak immunohistochemical staining of 8  of muscle fibres in unstimulated TA increased to about 18  strong staining after 4d CLFS. MLP expression, initially restricted two type I and type IIA fibres, is induced after 4 days in these fibres and has spread to all fibres after 8 days of CLFS. A role of an elevated MLP content for muscle fibres with an increased contractile activity is being discussed.&lt;br /&gt;The mRNA of PTHrP is transiently up-regulated by 70 - 80 fold after 12h CLFS as compared to the unstimulated TA muscle, but returns to basal levels with ongoing stimulation after 2 days. No differences in mRNA levels between Soleus and TA were detected. In all muscles under study PTHrP was exclusively located in blood vessels of both control and stimulated muscles. Moreover, PTHrP immunohistochemistry revealed enhanced capillarisation in 8-day-stimulated muscles. In view of its vasodilative effect, the upregulation of PTHrP could be an important step related to enhanced capillarisation in response to increased contractile activity.</dcterms:abstract>
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Prüfungsdatum der Dissertation

May 10, 1999

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