Minimality in verb-cluster formation
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In a German verb-final sentence with several verbs there are in principle two ways to structure the input string. Either each verb embeds a phrasal constituent to its left, or the verbs form a complex cluster without phrasal embedding. The verbal cluster is favored in several respects. First, it is the minimal structure necessary to parse the given input sequence. Second, it is more right-branching than the non-clustering variant and therefore favored by both grammar and parser. However, the structure with verbal cluster has a drawback which has often been overlooked: It implies non-trivial operations on argument-structure unification. In this article, we will present experimental evidence for both parts of the conflict: (i) evidence that a strive for structure minimization favors the clustering variant; (ii) evidence that cluster formation quickly leads to processing complexity. This evidence mainly comes from experiments on the so-called long-distance passive that appears with passivization of control verbs. In comparison to easy-to-process sentences with extraposed infinitival clauses, intraposed infinitival clauses lead to increased processing load. However, even if the intraposed infinitival clause is dissolved in favor of a verbal cluster, processing load effects are visible, reflecting cluster-internal argument-structure composition.
Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache
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ISO 690
BADER, Markus, Tanja SCHMID, 2009. Minimality in verb-cluster formation. In: Lingua: international review of general linguistics. 2009, 119(10), pp. 1458-1481. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.lingua.2008.03.003BibTex
@article{Bader2009Minim-2727, year={2009}, doi={10.1016/j.lingua.2008.03.003}, title={Minimality in verb-cluster formation}, number={10}, volume={119}, journal={Lingua: international review of general linguistics}, pages={1458--1481}, author={Bader, Markus and Schmid, Tanja} }
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