Mismatching the first person in Romance
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This paper looks at mismatching phenomena in Romance languages that appear between verbs and pronouns (or similarly used nouns) when expressing the first person (plural and singular). We examine some data of two types of mismatches and compare them. These arise as: (i) the mismatch between the morphological features of a third person singular indefinite pronoun used to express first person and the features of other constituents that (should) agree with the pronoun, and as (ii) the mismatch between the morphological features of a first person pronoun and its semantic function, more precisely when the value of the respective number feature of the pronoun is singular, while its interpretation is plural. The salient questions we address are: (i) what are the differences between these two types of mismatches, (ii) how can we account for them, and (iii) can we develop a unified account for both types?
Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache
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ISO 690
VON HEUSINGER, Klaus, Georg A. KAISER, 2011. Mismatching the first person in Romance. In: POMINO, Natascha, ed. and others. Proceedings of the V NEREUS International Workshop : mismatches in romance. Konstanz: Fachbereich Sprachwiss. der Univ. Konstanz, 2011, pp. 95-111. Arbeitspapiere, Fachbereich Sprachwissenschaft. 125BibTex
@inproceedings{vonHeusinger2011Misma-18957, year={2011}, title={Mismatching the first person in Romance}, number={125}, publisher={Fachbereich Sprachwiss. der Univ. Konstanz}, address={Konstanz}, series={Arbeitspapiere, Fachbereich Sprachwissenschaft}, booktitle={Proceedings of the V NEREUS International Workshop : mismatches in romance}, pages={95--111}, editor={Pomino, Natascha}, author={von Heusinger, Klaus and Kaiser, Georg A.} }
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