Domain state model for exchange bias : I. Theory
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For a model system consisting of a ferromagnetic layer coupled to a diluted, antiferromagnetic layer extensive Monte Carlo simulations are performed. Exchange bias is observed as a result of a domain state in the antiferromagnetic layer which develops during field cooling, carrying an irreversible domain state s magnetization. In agreement with recent experimental observations on Co/CoO bilayers a strong dependence of the exchange bias field on dilution of the antiferromagnet is found and it is shown that a variety of typical effects associated with exchange bias, such as positive bias, temperature, and time dependencies as well as the dependence on the thickness of the antiferromagnetic layer can be explained within our model.
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ISO 690
NOWAK, Ulrich, Klaus-Dieter USADEL, Janine KELLER, Peter MILTÉNYI, Bernd BESCHOTEN, Gernot GÜNTHERODT, 2002. Domain state model for exchange bias : I. Theory. In: Physical Review B. 2002, 66, 14430. Available under: doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.66.014430BibTex
@article{Nowak2002Domai-8905, year={2002}, doi={10.1103/PhysRevB.66.014430}, title={Domain state model for exchange bias : I. Theory}, volume={66}, journal={Physical Review B}, author={Nowak, Ulrich and Usadel, Klaus-Dieter and Keller, Janine and Miltényi, Peter and Beschoten, Bernd and Güntherodt, Gernot}, note={Article Number: 14430} }
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