Synthesis of a single cycle of light with compact erbium-doped fibre technology
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Core Facility der Universität Konstanz
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The advent of self-referenced optical frequency combs has sparked the development of novel areas in ultrafast sciences such as attosecond technology and the synthesis of arbitrary optical waveforms. Few-cycle light pulses are key to these time-domain applications, driving a quest for reliable, stable and cost-efficient mode-locked laser sources with ultrahigh spectral bandwidth. Here, we present a set-up based entirely on compact erbium-doped fibre technology, which produces single cycles of light. The pulse duration of 4.3 fs is close to the shortest possible value for a data bit of information transmitted in the near-infrared regime. These results demonstrate that fundamental limits for optical telecommunications are accessible with existing fibre technology and standard free-space components.
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ISO 690
KRAUSS, Günther, Sebastian LOHSS, Tobias HANKE, Alexander SELL, Stefan EGGERT, Rupert HUBER, Alfred LEITENSTORFER, 2010. Synthesis of a single cycle of light with compact erbium-doped fibre technology. In: Nature Photonics. 2010, 4(1), pp. 33-36. Available under: doi: 10.1038/nphoton.2009.258BibTex
@article{Krauss2010Synth-4793, year={2010}, doi={10.1038/nphoton.2009.258}, title={Synthesis of a single cycle of light with compact erbium-doped fibre technology}, number={1}, volume={4}, journal={Nature Photonics}, pages={33--36}, author={Krauss, Günther and Lohss, Sebastian and Hanke, Tobias and Sell, Alexander and Eggert, Stefan and Huber, Rupert and Leitenstorfer, Alfred} }
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