Diode Laser-Crystallization for the Formation of Passivating Contacts for Solar Cells
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Core Facility der Universität Konstanz
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A new method of diode laser treatment of passivating contacts for solar cells application based on electron beam evaporated highly doped amorphous silicon (a-Si) layers deposited on solar-grade Czochralski wafers with SiOx tunneling layers is investigated. In a first step, an interface oxide is grown and a highly doped n-type a-Si layer is deposited on both sides by electron beam evaporation. In a next step, the laser treatment is applied. Two different scanning speeds of 15 and 20 mm s−1 are used. Electron backscattering diffraction and quasi-steady-state photo conductance measurements indicate that the a-Si layer can be crystallized without breaking up the thin oxide layer. To determine the best parameters, the lifetime and the implied open-circuit voltage for each laser power are measured. The first results show a fitted lifetime of 4.06 ms and an implied open-circuit voltage up to 711 mV after a passivation step.
Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache
Fachgebiet (DDC)
ISO 690
GAWLIK, Annett, Raphael GLATTHAAR, Andrea DELLITH, Guobin JIA, Jan DELLITH, Barbara TERHEIDEN, Jonathan PLENTZ, 2022. Diode Laser-Crystallization for the Formation of Passivating Contacts for Solar Cells. In: Physica Status Solidi (RRL) - Rapid Research Letters. Wiley. 2022, 16(5), 2100537. ISSN 1862-6254. eISSN 1862-6270. Available under: doi: 10.1002/pssr.202100537BibTex
@article{Gawlik2022-05Diode-56962, year={2022}, doi={10.1002/pssr.202100537}, title={Diode Laser-Crystallization for the Formation of Passivating Contacts for Solar Cells}, number={5}, volume={16}, issn={1862-6254}, journal={Physica Status Solidi (RRL) - Rapid Research Letters}, author={Gawlik, Annett and Glatthaar, Raphael and Dellith, Andrea and Jia, Guobin and Dellith, Jan and Terheiden, Barbara and Plentz, Jonathan}, note={Article Number: 2100537} }
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