Aberrant substrate engagement of the ER translocon triggers degradation by the Hrd1 ubiquitin ligase
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Little is known about quality control of proteins that aberrantly or persistently engage the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-localized translocon en route to membrane localization or the secretory pathway. Hrd1 and Doa10, the primary ubiquitin ligases that function in ER-associated degradation (ERAD) in yeast, target distinct subsets of misfolded or otherwise abnormal proteins based primarily on degradation signal (degron) location. We report the surprising observation that fusing Deg1, a cytoplasmic degron normally recognized by Doa10, to the Sec62 membrane protein rendered the protein a Hrd1 substrate. Hrd1-dependent degradation occurred when Deg1-Sec62 aberrantly engaged the Sec61 translocon channel and underwent topological rearrangement. Mutations that prevent translocon engagement caused a reversion to Doa10-dependent degradation. Similarly, a variant of apolipoprotein B, a protein known to be cotranslocationally targeted for proteasomal degradation, was also a Hrd1 substrate. Hrd1 therefore likely plays a general role in targeting proteins that persistently associate with and potentially obstruct the translocon.
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ISO 690
RUBENSTEIN, Eric M., Stefan G. KREFT, Wesley GREENBLATT, Robert SWANSON, Mark HOCHSTRASSER, 2012. Aberrant substrate engagement of the ER translocon triggers degradation by the Hrd1 ubiquitin ligase. In: The Journal of Cell Biology. 2012, 197(6), pp. 761-773. ISSN 0021-9525. eISSN 1540-8140. Available under: doi: 10.1083/jcb.201203061BibTex
@article{Rubenstein2012-06-11Aberr-21018, year={2012}, doi={10.1083/jcb.201203061}, title={Aberrant substrate engagement of the ER translocon triggers degradation by the Hrd1 ubiquitin ligase}, number={6}, volume={197}, issn={0021-9525}, journal={The Journal of Cell Biology}, pages={761--773}, author={Rubenstein, Eric M. and Kreft, Stefan G. and Greenblatt, Wesley and Swanson, Robert and Hochstrasser, Mark} }
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