Quantum phase-slip junction under microwave irradiation
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Core Facility der Universität Konstanz
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We consider the dynamics of a quantum phase-slip junction (QPSJ), a dual Josephson junction, connected to a microwave source with frequency ωmw. With respect to an ordinary Josephson junction, a QPSJ can sustain dual Shapiro steps, consisting of well-defined current plateaus at multiple integers of eωmw/π in the current-voltage (I -V ) characteristic. The experimental observation of these plateaus has been elusive up to now. We argue that thermal as well as quantum fluctuations can smear the I -V characteristic considerably. In order to understand these effects, we study a current-biased QPSJ under microwave irradiation and connected to an inductive and resistive environment.We find that the effect of the fluctuations is governed by the resistance of the environment and by the ratio of the phase-slip energy and the inductive energy. Our results are of interest for experiments aiming at the observation of dual Shapiro steps in QPSJ devices for the definition of a new quantum current standard.
Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache
Fachgebiet (DDC)
ISO 690
DI MARCO, Angelo, Frank W. J. HEKKING, Gianluca RASTELLI, 2015. Quantum phase-slip junction under microwave irradiation. In: Physical Review B. 2015, 91(18), 184512. ISSN 1098-0121. eISSN 1095-3795. Available under: doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.91.184512BibTex
@article{DiMarco2015Quant-31000, year={2015}, doi={10.1103/PhysRevB.91.184512}, title={Quantum phase-slip junction under microwave irradiation}, number={18}, volume={91}, issn={1098-0121}, journal={Physical Review B}, author={Di Marco, Angelo and Hekking, Frank W. J. and Rastelli, Gianluca}, note={Article Number: 184512} }
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