"Die Jugend in ihrem Werden unterstützen" : Geschichte und Entwicklung der Jugendarbeit in Konstanz während der Nachkriegszeit (1945-1963); Rahmenbedingungen - Verantwortliche - Angebote - Zielgruppen

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Dargel, Eveline
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"Die Jugend in ihrem Werden unterstützen",History and development of youth care in Constance during postwar times (1945 1963); General conditions, responsibles, youth activities, target groups
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The general conditions for a juvenile growing up as well as the development in the field of youth care were always shaped by the particular political and socio-economic determinants of their times. This study is reprocessing this subject with respect to the years of reconstruction between 1945 and 1963. It is interesting to put a focus on this period of time due to the fact that at that time innovative structures found acceptance in youth care, resulting from the situation caused by the occupying forces on the one hand and taking the political and socio-economic constellations of the young Federal Republic into account on the other hand. One intention of these analyses is to document these facts using the example of Constance city.
The restart in youth care after the year 1945 gets comprehensible having the allied efforts in the background, aiming at embedding democratic structures into the German society. In the French zone youth policy played a prominent role together with educational policy as a component of the re-educational policy. Admittance of youth associations, creation of municipal youth facilities, cultural and educational labour as well as international youth conventions were among the instrumentalities in order to reach this aim. The constructive enhancements, which were surely and multiply superposed by the German population s experience of daily distress, led to interesting results in the South-Baden region. The most important result was, that a new form of youth care superseded the simultaneously activated national socialist version after 1945, which was pluralistically structured, ideologically neutral and corresponded to the free democratic basic order. During the immediate postwar period thereby measures of value in this field were incorporated, which up to now are immanent to the German youth welfare. At the same time these approaches to implement reforms were definitely also thought to be instruments of the French safety policy. Moreover building-up youth care was an important measure in order to alleviate the youth s distress.
Comparing the federal lands, the youth care in Constance after 1945 distinguished from the others by its early commencement and exceeding polymorphism. The undestroyed infrastructure, The spacially restricted area of the urban district being autonomous up to 1953 as well as the influence by the French delegates of the district were particularly conductive in this process.
After the establishment of the German Federal Republic in 1949, France lost impact on the German educational and childcare policies for the benefit of the Federation, the federal lands and communities. On the one hand the West German youth care was formed by the legal youth welfare services in the novels from 1953 to 1961. But on the other hand improvements in youth care were the result of capacious economic, social and demographic transforming processes. In the late fifties the traditional institutions and associations for youth affairs were confronted with enormous socio-historical changes concerning schools, formation, work and recreational activities, fashion and musical taste. In Constance, however, many of these novelties such as the development of a self-generated youth culture occurred a little delayed in the sixties. This development corresponds to the phenomenon which was typical for this time and which within historical research according to ABELSHAUSER is paraphrased the "langen fünfziger Jahre".
Based on a close methodological conjunction of local historical, administrative and structure-historical, econo- and socio-historical questionings, this work contributes to clarify some still open questions referring to the history of Postwar Germany, region South-West. The analysis of comprehensive and so far quite unknown regional and local historical inventory of sources gives evidence that in the South-Baden part of the French Zone they had created structures at an early stage, in order to realize the conceptional requirements of superior authorities in the rural districts and communities of the federal land, whose existence has meanwhile been testified by a series of contemporary studies regarding the time of occupation. Due to the fact that the investigation is considering historical aspects of mentality, society and culture, it is indicated that it was finally up to many factors, if youth care led to positive results in practise. The substainability for Constance in this sector, which endured the direct occupation, was the result of intense efforts of many public figures of common life with French of German nationalities.

Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache

Die Rahmenbedingungen für jugendliches Aufwachsen und die Entwicklung der Jugendarbeit werden stets von den jeweiligen politischen und sozioökonomischen Determinanten ihrer Zeit geprägt. Diese Studie arbeitet die Thematik für die Jahre des Wiederaufbaus zwischen 1945 und 1963 auf. Diese Zeitspanne ist für die Fragestellung der Arbeit deshalb interessant, weil damals neuartige Strukturen Eingang in die Jugendarbeit fanden, die einerseits aus der Besatzungssituation resultierten, andererseits den politischen und sozioökonomischen Konstellationen der jungen Bundesrepublik Rechnung trugen. Dies am Beispiel der Stadt Konstanz zu dokumentieren ist eines der Ziele dieser Untersuchung.
Der Neubeginn der Jugendarbeit nach 1945 wird vor dem Hintergrund alliierter Bemühungen verständlich, die darauf abzielten, demokratische Strukturen in der deutschen Gesellschaft zu verankern. In der französischen Zone spielte die Jugendpolitik neben der Bildungspolitik als Komponente der Umerziehungspolitik eine wichtige Rolle. Wiederzulassung der Jugendverbände, Schaffung kommunaler Jugendeinrichtungen, Kultur- und Bildungsarbeit sowie internationale Jugendtreffen zählten zu den Mitteln, um dieses Ziel zu erreichen. Die konstruktiven Neuerungen, die in der Erinnerung der deutschen Bevölkerung freilich durch die Erfahrung der Alltagsnot vielfach überlagert wurden, führten in den südbadischen Kreisen zu interessanten Resultaten. Das wichtigste Ergebnis bestand darin, dass an die Stelle der gleichgeschalteten nationalsozialistischen Variante nach 1945 eine neue Form der Jugendarbeit trat, die pluralistisch strukturiert, weltanschaulich neutral war und der demokratischen Grundordnung entsprach. So wurden in unmittelbarer Nachkriegszeit Wertmaßstäbe auf diesem Gebiet verankert, die der Jugendhilfe in Deutschland bis heute immanent sind. Zugleich waren diese Reformansätze zweifellos auch als Instrumente der französischen Sicherheitspolitik gedacht. Des Weiteren bildete der Aufbau der Jugendarbeit eine wichtige Maßnahme zur Linderung der Jugendnot.
Im Landesvergleich zeichnete sich die Jugendarbeit in Konstanz nach 1945 durch einen frühzeitigen Beginn und eine außerordentliche Vielgestaltigkeit aus. Befördernd wirkten dabei insbesondere die unzerstörte Infrastruktur, die Kleinräumlichkeit des bis 1953 selbständigen Stadtkreises sowie der Einfluss der französischen Bezirksdelegierten.
Nach Gründung der Bundesrepublik 1949 verlor Frankreich seinen Einfluss auf die deutsche Bildungs- und Jugendpolitik zugunsten von Bund, Länder- und Kommunen. Die westdeutsche Jugendhilfe wurde nun einerseits durch das Jugendwohlfahrtsgesetz in den Novellen von 1953 und 1961 geprägt. Andererseits waren Neuerungen im Bereich der Jugendarbeit das Resultat umfassender wirtschaftlicher, gesellschaftlicher und demografischer Transformationsprozesse. In den späten 1950er-Jahren sahen sich die traditionellen Jugendinstitutionen und Verbände mit weitreichenden sozialgeschichtlichen Veränderungen in den Bereichen Schule, Ausbildung, Arbeit und Freizeitgestaltung, Mode und Musikgeschmack konfrontiert. In Konstanz traten allerdings viele Neuerungen auf diesen Gebieten, so etwa die Ausbildung einer eigenen Jugendkultur, erst mit einiger Verzögerung in den 1960er-Jahren ein. Diese Entwicklung entspricht dem zeittypischen Phänomen, das innerhalb der Geschichtsforschung nach ABELSHAUSER mit dem Begriff der langen fünfziger Jahre umschrieben wird.
Auf der Grundlage einer engen methodologischen Verknüpfung von regionalgeschichtlichen, verwaltungs- und strukturgeschichtlichen sowie wirtschafts- und sozialgeschichtlichen Fragestellungen leistet diese Arbeit einen Beitrag zur Klärung einiger bislang noch offener Fragen zur Nachkriegsgeschichte im deutschen Südwesten. Die Auswertung umfangreicher und weitgehend unbekannter regional- und lokalgeschichtlicher Quellenbestände zeigt, dass im südbadischen Landesteil der französischen Zone frühzeitig Strukturen geschaffen wurden, um die konzeptionellen Vorgaben höherer Dienststellen, deren Existenz inzwischen durch eine ganze Reihe neuerer zeitgeschichtliche Studien zur Besatzungszeit bezeugt ist, in den Kreisen und Gemeinden im Land umzusetzen. Indem die Untersuchung mentalitäts-, gesellschafts- und kulturgeschichtliche Aspekte berücksichtigt, wird kenntlich gemacht, dass es letztlich von vielen Faktoren abhing, ob Jugendarbeit in der Praxis vor Ort zu guten Ergebnissen führte. Die für Konstanz charakteristische Nachhaltigkeit auf diesem Gebiet, welche die direkte Besatzung überdauerte, war neben strukturbedingten Einflüssen nicht zuletzt auch das Ergebnis intensiver Bemühungen vieler Persönlichkeiten des öffentlichen Lebens französischer und deutscher Nationalität.

Fachgebiet (DDC)
900 Geschichte
Stadtgeschichte, Constance, Youth care, Postwar times, History, Germany, French Zone
undefined / . - undefined, undefined
ISO 690DARGEL, Eveline, 2009. "Die Jugend in ihrem Werden unterstützen" : Geschichte und Entwicklung der Jugendarbeit in Konstanz während der Nachkriegszeit (1945-1963); Rahmenbedingungen - Verantwortliche - Angebote - Zielgruppen [Dissertation]. Konstanz: University of Konstanz
  title={"Die Jugend in ihrem Werden unterstützen" : Geschichte und Entwicklung der Jugendarbeit in Konstanz während der Nachkriegszeit (1945-1963); Rahmenbedingungen - Verantwortliche - Angebote - Zielgruppen},
  author={Dargel, Eveline},
  school={Universität Konstanz}
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    <dcterms:title>"Die Jugend in ihrem Werden unterstützen" : Geschichte und Entwicklung der Jugendarbeit in Konstanz während der Nachkriegszeit (1945-1963); Rahmenbedingungen - Verantwortliche - Angebote - Zielgruppen</dcterms:title>
    <dcterms:abstract xml:lang="eng">The general conditions for a juvenile growing up as well as the development in the field of youth care were always shaped by the particular political and socio-economic determinants of their times. This study is reprocessing this subject with respect to the years of reconstruction between 1945 and 1963. It is interesting to put a focus on this period of time due to the fact that at that time innovative structures found acceptance in youth care, resulting from the situation caused by the occupying forces on the one hand and taking the political and socio-economic constellations of the young Federal Republic into account on the other hand. One intention of these analyses is to document these facts using the example of Constance city.&lt;br /&gt;The restart in youth care after the year 1945 gets comprehensible having the allied efforts in the background, aiming at embedding democratic structures into the German society. In the French zone youth policy played a prominent role together with educational policy as a component of the re-educational policy. Admittance of youth associations, creation of municipal youth facilities, cultural and educational labour as well as international youth conventions were among the instrumentalities in order to reach this aim. The constructive enhancements, which were surely and multiply superposed by the German population s experience of daily distress, led to interesting results in the South-Baden region. The most important result was, that a new form of youth care superseded the simultaneously activated national socialist version after 1945, which was pluralistically structured, ideologically neutral and corresponded to the free democratic basic order. During the immediate postwar period thereby measures of value in this field were incorporated, which up to now are immanent to the German youth welfare. At the same time these approaches to implement reforms were definitely also thought to be instruments of the French safety policy. Moreover building-up youth care was an important measure in order to alleviate the youth s distress.&lt;br /&gt;Comparing the federal lands, the youth care in Constance after 1945 distinguished from the others by its early commencement and exceeding polymorphism. The undestroyed infrastructure, The spacially restricted area of the urban district being autonomous up to 1953 as well as the influence by the French delegates of the district were particularly conductive in this process.&lt;br /&gt;After the establishment of the German Federal Republic in 1949, France lost impact on the German educational and childcare policies for the benefit of the Federation, the federal lands and communities. On the one hand the West German youth care was formed by the legal youth welfare services in the novels from 1953 to 1961. But on the other hand improvements in youth care were the result of capacious economic, social and demographic transforming processes. In the late fifties the traditional institutions and associations for youth affairs were confronted with enormous socio-historical changes concerning schools, formation, work and recreational activities, fashion and musical taste. In Constance, however, many of these novelties   such as the development of a self-generated youth culture   occurred a little delayed in the sixties. This development corresponds to the phenomenon which was typical for this time and which within historical research according to ABELSHAUSER is paraphrased the "langen fünfziger Jahre".&lt;br /&gt;Based on a close methodological conjunction of local historical, administrative and structure-historical, econo- and socio-historical questionings, this work contributes  to clarify some still open questions referring to the history of Postwar Germany, region South-West. The analysis of comprehensive and so far quite unknown regional and local historical inventory of sources gives evidence that in the South-Baden part of the French Zone they had created structures at an early stage, in order to realize the conceptional requirements of superior authorities in the rural districts and communities of the federal land, whose existence has meanwhile been testified by a series of contemporary studies regarding the time of occupation. Due to the fact that the investigation is considering historical aspects of mentality, society and culture, it is indicated that it was finally up to many factors, if youth care led to positive results in practise. The substainability for Constance in this sector, which endured the direct occupation, was the result of intense efforts of many public figures of common life with French of German nationalities.</dcterms:abstract>
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Interner Vermerk
URL der Originalveröffentl.
Prüfdatum der URL
Prüfungsdatum der Dissertation
February 13, 2009
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