"Corvid Tracking Studio" : A custom-built motion capture system to track head movements of corvids
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Core Facility der Universität Konstanz
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Recent technological advances made it possible to record postural changes of moving animals in behavior/cognition research. Although several technologies are available for this purpose, one underexplored possibility is the use of an infrared motion-capture system, which excels at tracking subtle and rapid 3D movements of animals. We explored this possibility by developing a system optimized to track saccadic head movements of large-billed crows (Corvus macrorhynchos). We custom-built a motion-capture room, "Corvid Tracking Studio", in which birds can freely interact with conspecifics/objects while infrared cameras track the reflective markers attached to the birds' heads. We also developed a head-calibration method that reconstructs the 3D positions of each bird's eyes and beak tip with respect to those of the head markers. We then tested accuracies of the head-orientation coordinate system reconstructed from the eye-beak coordinates of a bird and confirmed that estimated errors were all within a degree (in Euler angles). We thus show that a motion capture system has a good potential to examine subtle and rapid movements of moving animals with several customizations.
Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache
Fachgebiet (DDC)
ISO 690
ITAHARA, Akihiro, Fumihiro KANO, 2022. "Corvid Tracking Studio" : A custom-built motion capture system to track head movements of corvids. In: Japanese Journal of Animal Psychology. Japanese Society for Animal Psychology. 2022, 72(1), pp. 1-16. ISSN 0916-8419. Available under: doi: 10.2502/janip.72.1.1BibTex
@article{Itahara2022Corvi-58443, year={2022}, doi={10.2502/janip.72.1.1}, title={"Corvid Tracking Studio" : A custom-built motion capture system to track head movements of corvids}, number={1}, volume={72}, issn={0916-8419}, journal={Japanese Journal of Animal Psychology}, pages={1--16}, author={Itahara, Akihiro and Kano, Fumihiro} }
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