Publikation: Katabolitrepression durch Nicht-PTS-Kohlenstoffquellen in Escherichia coli am Beispiel des Glycerineffekts
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Core Facility der Universität Konstanz
Titel in einer weiteren Sprache
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The formation of glycerol-3-phosphate (G3P) in cells growing on tryptone broth causes catabolite repression as shown by the reduction of malT expression. For this repression to occure the general protein of the PEP-dependent phosphotransferase system (PTS), in particular EIIAGlc, as well as the adenylate cyclase and the cAMP/CRP system have to be present. In contrast to the effect of glucose that causes a dramatic shift of the EIIAGlc level to the dephosphorylated form, G3P only slightly increases the amount of dephosphorylated EIIAGlc. A mutant carrying a C-terminal deletion in adenylate cyclase was no longer subject to G3P-mediated catabolite repression. The conclusion of this is that the stimulation of adenylate cyclase by phosphorylated EIIAGlc is controlled by G3P, as well as by other sugar phosphates like glucose-6-phosphate. Further metabolism of these compounds is not necessary for repression.
There is also a translational repression which is independent of cAMP/CRP and EIIAGlc, but pH-mediated. The effect does not occure in buffered media and in some strains with mutations affecting metabolism and growth rate.
The pleiotropic nature of G3P-mediated repression was shown by the method of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Among the proteins repressed by glycerol are periplasmic binding proteins, enzymes of tricarbonic acid cycle, aldehyde dehydrogenase, Dps (a stress-induced DNA binding protein) and D-tagatose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase.
Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache
Wie an der Reduktion der malT Expression gezeigt werden konnte, führt die Bildung von Glycerin-3-Phosphat (G3P) in Zellen zur Katabolitrepression. Dieses Phänomen wird durch das generelle Protein der PEP- abhängigen Phosphotransferase (PTS), EIIAGlc, über die Adenylatcyclase und den cAMP/CRP Komplex vermittelt.
Obwohl die Glucose Katabolitrepression durch die Dephosphorylierung des Enzyms IIAGlc verursacht wird, kann in Anwesenheit von G3P nur geringfügige Mengen an dephosphoryliertem EIIAGlc gefunden werden. In einer Adenylatcyclasemutante, deren C-terminale EIIAGlc-P Interaktionsdomäne deletiert ist, konnte G3P nahezu nicht mehr reprimieren. Dies lässt die Schlussfolgerung zu, dass die Stimulierung der Adenylatcyclase durch phosphoryliertes EIIAGlc durch G3P und andere Zuckerphosphate, wie Glucose-6-Phosphat, verhindert wird. Diese Stoffe müssen ferner auch nicht weiter verstoffwechselt werden.
Zusätzlich existiert eine Repression durch G3P auf translationaler Ebene. Sie ist cAMP/CRP und EIIAGlc unabhängig. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die pH-Erniedrigung, die im ungepuffertem Medium in Anwesenheit von Glycerin oder G3P auftritt, für das Phänomen von großer Bedeutung ist. Verhindert man die Ansäuerung z.B. durch Puffern des Mediums, findet keine translationale Repression mehr statt. Ausserdem wurden Mutanten isoliert, die ebenfalls nicht reprimiert werden. Die erhaltenen Mutationen setzen das Wachstum oder die Stoffwechselleistung der Zellen herab.
Der pleiotrophe Charakter der G3P-vermittelten Repression konnte durch 2D-Gelelektrophorese belegt werden. Die Identifizierung einiger Proteine, deren Menge in Anwesenheit von G3P stark abnahm, ergaben einige periplasmatischen Bindeproteine, Enzyme des Tricarbonsäurezyluses, die Aldehyddehydrogenase, Dps (ein Stress-induziertes DNA-Bindeprotein) und eine D-Tagatose-1,6-Bisphosphataldolase.
Fachgebiet (DDC)
ISO 690
EPPLER, Tanja, 2001. Katabolitrepression durch Nicht-PTS-Kohlenstoffquellen in Escherichia coli am Beispiel des Glycerineffekts [Dissertation]. Konstanz: University of KonstanzBibTex
@phdthesis{Eppler2001Katab-6874, year={2001}, title={Katabolitrepression durch Nicht-PTS-Kohlenstoffquellen in Escherichia coli am Beispiel des Glycerineffekts}, author={Eppler, Tanja}, address={Konstanz}, school={Universität Konstanz} }
<rdf:RDF xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:bibo="" xmlns:dspace="" xmlns:foaf="" xmlns:void="" xmlns:xsd="" > <rdf:Description rdf:about=""> <dcterms:hasPart rdf:resource=""/> <dc:language>deu</dc:language> <dc:contributor>Eppler, Tanja</dc:contributor> <dc:format>application/pdf</dc:format> <dc:date rdf:datatype="">2011-03-24T17:29:49Z</dc:date> <dc:rights>terms-of-use</dc:rights> <bibo:uri rdf:resource=""/> <foaf:homepage rdf:resource="http://localhost:8080/"/> <dcterms:available rdf:datatype="">2011-03-24T17:29:49Z</dcterms:available> <dcterms:isPartOf rdf:resource=""/> <dspace:hasBitstream rdf:resource=""/> <dcterms:alternative>Cataboliterepression by Non-PTS carbon sources in Escherichia coli</dcterms:alternative> <void:sparqlEndpoint rdf:resource="http://localhost/fuseki/dspace/sparql"/> <dcterms:rights rdf:resource=""/> <dspace:isPartOfCollection rdf:resource=""/> <dcterms:issued>2001</dcterms:issued> <dcterms:abstract xml:lang="eng">The formation of glycerol-3-phosphate (G3P) in cells growing on tryptone broth causes catabolite repression as shown by the reduction of malT expression. For this repression to occure the general protein of the PEP-dependent phosphotransferase system (PTS), in particular EIIAGlc, as well as the adenylate cyclase and the cAMP/CRP system have to be present. In contrast to the effect of glucose that causes a dramatic shift of the EIIAGlc level to the dephosphorylated form, G3P only slightly increases the amount of dephosphorylated EIIAGlc. A mutant carrying a C-terminal deletion in adenylate cyclase was no longer subject to G3P-mediated catabolite repression. The conclusion of this is that the stimulation of adenylate cyclase by phosphorylated EIIAGlc is controlled by G3P, as well as by other sugar phosphates like glucose-6-phosphate. Further metabolism of these compounds is not necessary for repression.<br />There is also a translational repression which is independent of cAMP/CRP and EIIAGlc, but pH-mediated. The effect does not occure in buffered media and in some strains with mutations affecting metabolism and growth rate.<br />The pleiotropic nature of G3P-mediated repression was shown by the method of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Among the proteins repressed by glycerol are periplasmic binding proteins, enzymes of tricarbonic acid cycle, aldehyde dehydrogenase, Dps (a stress-induced DNA binding protein) and D-tagatose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase.</dcterms:abstract> <dc:creator>Eppler, Tanja</dc:creator> <dcterms:title>Katabolitrepression durch Nicht-PTS-Kohlenstoffquellen in Escherichia coli am Beispiel des Glycerineffekts</dcterms:title> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF>