Multicrystalline and Back Contact Buried Contact Silicon Solar Cells

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Jooß, Wolfgang
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Core Facility der Universität Konstanz
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Multikristalline und rückseitenkontaktierte Buried-Contact-Siliziumsolarzellen
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This thesis examines multicrystalline silicon (mc-Si) as well as back contact silicon solar cells applying the Buried Contact Solar Cell (BCSC) technology. In this metallisation approach, the electrical contacts are buried into the silicon wafer leading to low shadowing losses in conjunction with highly conducting contact fingers. Further features include a selective emitter structure as well as surface passivation. A baseline process for the manufacturing of BCSC was developed which includes new processing steps compared to the state-of-the art like P-Al co-diffusion and mechanical contact groove formation. Due to the intrinsic material properties of mc-Si with a higher density of impurities and crystal defects, bulk passivation techniques by gettering and by hydrogen passivation were applied and optimised to increase the bulk diffusion length of minority charge carriers. Single blade texturing for the reduction of optical losses as well as improved rear surface and bulk passivation led to a record efficiency of 17.5 % (Voc=628 mV, Jsc=36.3 mA/cm2, FF=76.8 %, cell area 144 cm2, confirmed measurement) for large area solar cells on mc-Si, which supplants the record held by Japanese companies since 1993. The applied technologies allow the direct transfer into industrial production lines. With back contact solar cells, a newer generation of crystalline silicon solar cells was investigated. Back contact solar cells have the potential for higher solar cell efficiency, easier module assembly and homogenous optical appearance. Three different device designs of back contact solar cells have been investigated on monocrystalline Cz-Si. For each design (Metallisation Wrap Around, Metallisation Wrap Through, Emitter Wrap Through) industrially applicable processing sequences were developed and the fabricated devices were characterised and analysed. Efficiencies up to 17.5% were demonstrated on medium substrate sizes.

Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache

Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden multikristalline und rückseitig kontaktierte Siliziumsolarzellen mit der Buried Contact Technologie hergestellt und charakterisiert. Bei diesem Metallisierungsverfahren sind die Leiterbahnen im Siliziumwafer "vergraben", was zu einer reduzierten Abschattung sowie einer erhöhten Fingerleitfähigkeit führt. Zunächst wurde ein Standardprozess entwickelt, welcher neue Prozessschritte wie P-Al Codiffusion und ein mechanisches Verfahren zur Bildung der Kontaktgräben beinhaltet. Multikristallines Silizium besitzt im Vergleich zu einkristallinem Silizium eine höhere Dichte an kristallographischen Defekten sowie metallischen Verunreinigungen, was zu einer reduzierten Lebensdauer der Minoritätsladungsträger führt. Durch Untersuchungen und Optimierungen der Volumenpassivierung (Gettern und Wasserstoffpassivierung) konnte die Lebensdauer erhöht werden. Mechanische Oberflächentexturierung sowie eine verbesserte Rückseiten- und Volumenpassivierung führten zu einem Rekordwirkungsgrad für großflächige multikristalline Siliziumsolarzellen von 17,5 % (Voc=628 mV, Jsc=36,3 mA/cm2, FF=76,8 %, Zellfläche 144 cm2, unabhängig bestätigte Messung), welcher den seit 1993 von japanischen Konzernen gehalten Rekord bricht. Die dabei verwendeten Technologien sind in industrielle Produktionslinien übertragbar. Mit Rückkontaktsolarzellen wurde eine neuere Generation von Siliziumsolarzellen untersucht. Rückkontaktsolarzellen zeichnen sich durch ihre Ästhetik, eine vereinfachte Modulverschaltung sowie durch das Potential für höhere Wirkungsgrade aus. Drei unterschiedliche Designs von dieser Zellvariante wurden auf monokristallinem Silizium untersucht. Für jedes Design (Metallisation Wrap Around, Metallisation Wrap Through, Emitter Wrap Through) wurde ein industrieller Herstellungsprozess entwickelt und die entsprechenden Solarzellen wurden charakterisiert. Dabei wurden Wirkungsgrade bis zu 17,5% auf mittelgroßen Substraten erzielt.

Fachgebiet (DDC)
530 Physik
Vergrabene Kontakte, Rückkontaktsolarzelle, Metallisation Wrap Around, Buried Contacts, back contact solar cell, metallisation wrap around
undefined / . - undefined, undefined
ISO 690JOOSS, Wolfgang, 2002. Multicrystalline and Back Contact Buried Contact Silicon Solar Cells [Dissertation]. Konstanz: University of Konstanz
  title={Multicrystalline and Back Contact Buried Contact Silicon Solar Cells},
  author={Jooß, Wolfgang},
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    <dcterms:abstract xml:lang="eng">This thesis examines multicrystalline silicon (mc-Si) as well as back contact silicon solar cells applying the Buried Contact Solar Cell (BCSC) technology. In this metallisation approach, the electrical contacts are buried into the silicon wafer leading to low shadowing losses in conjunction with highly conducting contact fingers. Further features include a selective emitter structure as well as surface passivation. A baseline process for the manufacturing of BCSC was developed which includes new processing steps compared to the state-of-the art like P-Al co-diffusion and mechanical contact groove formation. Due to the intrinsic material properties of mc-Si with a higher density of impurities and crystal defects, bulk passivation techniques by gettering and by hydrogen passivation were applied and optimised to increase the bulk diffusion length of minority charge carriers. Single blade texturing for the reduction of optical losses as well as improved rear surface and bulk passivation led to a record efficiency of 17.5 % (Voc=628 mV, Jsc=36.3 mA/cm2, FF=76.8 %, cell area 144 cm2, confirmed measurement) for large area solar cells on mc-Si, which supplants the record held by Japanese companies since 1993. The applied technologies allow the direct transfer into industrial production lines. With back contact solar cells, a newer generation of crystalline silicon solar cells was investigated. Back contact solar cells have the potential for higher solar cell efficiency, easier module assembly and homogenous optical appearance. Three different device designs of back contact solar cells have been investigated on monocrystalline Cz-Si. For each design (Metallisation Wrap Around, Metallisation Wrap Through, Emitter Wrap Through) industrially applicable processing sequences were developed and the fabricated devices were characterised and analysed. Efficiencies up to 17.5% were demonstrated on medium substrate sizes.</dcterms:abstract>
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Interner Vermerk
URL der Originalveröffentl.
Prüfdatum der URL
Prüfungsdatum der Dissertation
July 17, 2002
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