Enhanced reactivity and related optical changes of Ag nanoparticles on amorphous Al2O3 supports
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Pairs of samples containing Ag nanoparticles (NPs) of different dimensions have been produced under the same conditions but on different substrates, namely standard glass slides and a thin layer of amorphous aluminum oxide (a-Al2O3) on-glass. Upon storage in ambient conditions (air and room temperature) the color of samples changed and a blue-shift and damping of the surface plasmon resonance was observed. The changes are weaker for the samples on-glass and tend to saturate after 12 months. In contrast, the changes for the samples on a-Al2O3 appear to be still progressing after 25 months. While x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy shows a slight sulfurization and negligible oxidation of the Ag for the on-glass samples upon 25 months aging, it shows that Ag is strongly oxidized for the on a-Al2O3 samples and sulfurization is negligible. Both optical and chemical results are consistent with the production of a shell at the expense of a reduction of the metal core dimensions, the latter being responsible for the blue-shift and related to the small (<10 nm initial diameter) of the NPs. The enhanced reactivity of the Ag NPs on the a-Al2O3 supports goes along with specific morphological changes of the Ag NPs and the observation of nitrogen.
Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache
Fachgebiet (DDC)
ISO 690
PELÁEZ, Ramón Javier, Alazne CASTELO, Carmen AFONSO, Ana Isabel BORRÁS, Juan P. ESPINÓS, Stephen RIEDEL, Paul LEIDERER, Johannes BONEBERG, 2013. Enhanced reactivity and related optical changes of Ag nanoparticles on amorphous Al2O3 supports. In: Nanotechnology. 2013, 24(36), 365702. ISSN 0957-4484. eISSN 1361-6528. Available under: doi: 10.1088/0957-4484/24/36/365702BibTex
@article{Pelaez2013-09-13Enhan-26673, year={2013}, doi={10.1088/0957-4484/24/36/365702}, title={Enhanced reactivity and related optical changes of Ag nanoparticles on amorphous Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> supports}, number={36}, volume={24}, issn={0957-4484}, journal={Nanotechnology}, author={Peláez, Ramón Javier and Castelo, Alazne and Afonso, Carmen and Borrás, Ana Isabel and Espinós, Juan P. and Riedel, Stephen and Leiderer, Paul and Boneberg, Johannes}, note={Article Number: 365702} }
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