X-ray crystallographic analysis of three membrane proteins : The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor from Torpedo californica, Omp85 and TtoA from Thermus thermophilus HB27

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Röntgenkristallographische Analyse dreier Membranproteine: Nikotinischer Acetylcholinrezeptor aus Torpedo californica, Omp85 und TtoA aus Thermus thermophilus HB27
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The work presented here was focused on the purification, crystallization and X-ray structure determination of three different transmembrane proteins - the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) from Torpedo californica and two outer membrane proteins from Thermus thermophilus HB27, TtOmp85, and one of its potential substrates, TtoA.
The nAChR is a ligand-gated ion channel which belongs to the superfamily of Cys-loop receptors and plays a keyrole in synaptic transmission of neuronal signals. nAChRs consist of five homologous subunits composed as tissue-specific homo- or heteropentamers. So far, only a structure of 4.0 Å resolution derived from electron microscopy on tubular 2D-crystals is available for whole nAChR pentamers from Torpedo marmorata. Albeit two high resolution structures of prokaryotic homologues were published recently, a high-resolution structure of the nAChR is still missing. Microcrystals obtained from preparations of detergent-solubilized nAChR-enriched membranes from the electric organ of the pacific ray Torpedo california were reported already in 1988, but the properties of those crystals remained uncharacterized. In the work presented here, such crystals were examined by synchroton radiation and diffraction patterns typical for protein crystals were recorded. Diffraction of those crystals was limited to 20 Å resolution, possible spacegroup and unit-cell parameters were determined with the recorded data. Neither refinement of the crystallization conditions nor optimization of the purification protocol allowed to grow crystals of solubilized nAChR suitable for high resolution X-ray structure determination.
Proteins belonging to the Omp85 family are involved in the assembly of beta-barrel outer membrane proteins or in the translocation of proteins across the outer membrane in bacteria, mitochondria and chloroplasts. The thermophilic bacterium Thermus thermophilus represents an intermediate between Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria with an only roughly characterized outer membrane. It encodes one Omp85-like protein, TtOmp85, which represents an ancestral type of this family. TtOmp85 was overexpressed in T. thermophilus strain HB27 and natively purified from preparations of the outer membrane. In the presence of detergent, purified TtOmp85 existed mainly as a monomer, composed of two stable protease-resistant modules. Detergent solubilized TtOmp85 was used for crystallization experiments and microcrystals appeared under crystallization conditions including PEG400 as precipitant. Crystals diffracted to 5.0 Å resolution and belonged to spacegroup C222 with unit cell dimensions of a = 96.3 Å, b = 416.1 Å, c = 94.3 Å; alpha = beta = gamma = 90°. Only a partial dataset could be collected because diffraction was anisotropic, depending on the orientation of the plate shaped microcrystals in the X-ray beam, and crystals rapidly accumulated radiation damage during proceeding datacollection. The structure of TtOmp85 could not be solved with the available data. Preparations of detergent solubilized TtOmp85 were provided for accompanying studies in collaborating working groups to further characterize TtOmp85.
Only a few further outer membrane proteins from T. thermophilus are described. TtoA, a new beta-barrel outer membrane protein, was identified by bioinformatic analysis of the genome sequence of strain HB27. Results of an in vitro binding assay where TtoA bound to TtOmp85 suggest that insertion of proteins in the outer membrane in T. thermophilus might be similar to the mechanisms found in modern Gram-negative bacteria. TtoA was successfully crystallized and its structure was determined to a resolution of 2.8 Å, representing the first crystal structure of an outer membrane protein from a thermophilic bacterium. Crystals belonged to space group P3(1)21 with unit cell parameters a = b = 166.7 Å, c = 97.5 Å; alpha = beta = 90°, gamma = 120°. TtoA consists of an eight-stranded beta-barrel with a large extracellular part to which a divalent cation is bound. A five-stranded extracellular beta-sheet protrudes out of the membrane-embedded transmembrane barrel and is stabilized by a disulfide bridge. The edge of this beta-sheet forms crystal contacts with neighbouring TtoA molecules that could mimic physiologic interactions with other proteins.

Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache

Die hier vorgestellte Arbeit konzentrierte sich auf die Reinigung, Kristallisation und Röntgenstrukturanalyse dreier unterschiedlicher Transmembranproteine - des nikotinischen Acetylcholinrezeptors (nAChR) aus Torpedo californica und zweier Außenmembranproteine aus Thermus thermophilus, TtOmp85, und eines seiner potentiellen Substrate, TtoA.
Der nAChR ist ein zur Superfamilie der Cys-loop Rezeptoren gehörender ligandengesteuerter Ionenkanal, der eine Schlüsselrolle in der synaptischen Weiterleitung neuronaler Signale spielt. nAChRs bestehen aus fünf zueinander homologen, gewebsspezifisch als Homo- oder Heteropentamere zusammengesetzten, Untereinheiten. Bislang ist lediglich eine Struktur mit 4.0 Å Auflösung eines Rezeptorpentamers aus Torpedo marmorata vorhanden, welche durch Elektronenmikroskopie an zweidimensionalen tubulären Kristallen erhalten wurde. Auch wenn hochaufgelöste Strukturen zweier homologer, prokaryotischer Varianten kürzlich veröffentlicht wurden, so fehlt bis heute immer noch eine Struktur vergleichbarer Qualität für den nAChR. Es wurde zwar bereits im Jahre 1988 von Mikrokristallen berichtet, welche mit Präparationen Detergenz solubilisierter, nAChR-reicher Membranen aus dem elektrischen Organ des pazifischen Rochens Torpedo californica erhalten wurden, die Eigenschaften dieser Kristalle wurden jedoch nicht weiter untersucht. In der hier vorgestellten Arbeit wurden solche Kristalle mittels Synchrotronstrahlung charakterisiert und für Proteinkristalle typische Beugungsbilder wurden aufgenommen. Die Röntgenbeugung dieser Kristalle war auf eine Auflösung von 20 Å beschränkt, mögliche Raumgruppen und Einheitszellparameter wurden anhand der gesammelten Daten bestimmt. Weder eine Verfeinerung der Kristallisationsbedingungen, noch die Optimierung des Reinigungsprotokolls führten zu für hochauflösende Röntenstrukturbestimmung geeigneten Kristallen.
Der Omp85-Familie zugehörige Proteine sind in Bakterien, Mitochondrien und Chloroplasten an der Faltung und Insertion von beta-Barrel-Proteinen in oder der Translokation von Proteinen über die Außenmembran beteiligt. Das thermophile Bakterium Thermus thermophilus stellt eine Übergangsform zwischen Gram-positiven und Gram-negativen Bakterien dar, dessen Außenmembran bislang lediglich grob charakterisiert ist. T. thermophilus besitzt mit TtOmp85 einen archaischen Vertreter der Omp85-Familie. TtOmp85 wurde im T. thermophilus Stamm HB27 überexprimiert und nativ aus Präparationen der Außenmembran gereinigt. In der Anwesenheit von Detergenz existierte TtOmp85 hauptsächlich als, aus zwei Protease-stabilen Modulen zusammengesetztes, Monomer. Detergenz-solubilisiertes TtOmp85 wurde für Kristallisationsversuche verwendet und Mikrokristalle unter Bedingungen mit PEG400 als Fällungsmittel erhalten. Diese Kristalle beugten Röntgenstrahlen bis zu einer Auflösung von 5.0 Å und gehörten der Raumgruppe C222 mit den Einheitszelldimensionen von a = 96.3 Å, b = 416.1 Å, c = 94.3 Å; alpha = beta = gamma = 90° an. Aufgrund der, von der Orientierung der plättchenförmigen Kristalle im Röntgenstrahl abhängigen, ungleichmäßigen Beugungseigenschaften und während der Datensammlung akkumuliertem Strahlenschaden konnte lediglich ein unvollständiger Datensatz aufgenommen werden. Mit den vorhandenen Daten konnte die Struktur von TtOmp85 nicht gelöst werden. Präparationen von Detergenz-solubilisiertem TtOmp85 wurden kooperierenden Arbeitsgruppen für begleitende Studien bereitgestellt, um TtOmp85 weitergehend zu charakterisieren.
Wenige andere Außenmembranproteine wurden bislang für T. thermophilus beschrieben. TtoA, ein neues beta-Barrel-Außenmembranprotein, wurde durch bioinformatische Analyse der Genomsequenz des Stammes HB27 identifiziert. Die Resultate eines in vitro Bindungstests, in dem sich TtoA an TtOmp85 binden ließ, legen die Vermutung nahe, daß die Insertion von Proteinen in die Außenmembran von T. thermophilus nach einem ähnlichen Mechanismus funktioniert wie in modernen Gram-negativen Bakterien. TtoA wurde erfolgreich kristallisiert und dessen Kristallstruktur als erstes Außenmembranprotein eines thermophilen Bakteriums bis zu einer Auflösung von 2.8 Å bestimmt. Die Kristalle gehörten der Raumgruppe P3(1)21 an, mit Einheitszellparametern von a = b = 166.7 Å, c = 97.5 Å; alpha = beta = 90°, gamma = 120°. TtoA besteht aus einem achtsträndigen beta-Barrel mit einem großen extrazellulären Bereich, an dem ein zweiwertiges Kation gebunden ist. Ein fünfsträndiges beta-Faltblatt ragt aus dem in die Außenmembran eingelagerten beta-Barrel hervor, welches durch eine Disulfidbrücke stabilisiert wird. Die Kante dieses beta-Faltblattes bildet Kristallkontakte mit benachbarten TtoA-Molekülen aus, die unter Umständen physiologische Interaktionen mit anderen Proteinen nachahmen.

Fachgebiet (DDC)
570 Biowissenschaften, Biologie
Membranprotein, Außenmembran, Crystallography, membrane protein, outer membrane
undefined / . - undefined, undefined
ISO 690BROSIG, Alexander, 2009. X-ray crystallographic analysis of three membrane proteins : The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor from Torpedo californica, Omp85 and TtoA from Thermus thermophilus HB27 [Dissertation]. Konstanz: University of Konstanz
  title={X-ray crystallographic analysis of three membrane proteins : The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor from Torpedo californica, Omp85 and TtoA from Thermus thermophilus HB27},
  author={Brosig, Alexander},
  school={Universität Konstanz}
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    <dcterms:alternative>Röntgenkristallographische Analyse dreier Membranproteine: Nikotinischer Acetylcholinrezeptor aus Torpedo californica, Omp85 und TtoA aus Thermus thermophilus HB27</dcterms:alternative>
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    <dcterms:title>X-ray crystallographic analysis of three membrane proteins : The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor from Torpedo californica, Omp85 and TtoA from Thermus thermophilus HB27</dcterms:title>
    <dc:creator>Brosig, Alexander</dc:creator>
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    <dcterms:abstract xml:lang="eng">The work presented here was focused on the purification, crystallization and X-ray structure determination of three different transmembrane proteins - the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR)  from Torpedo californica and two outer membrane proteins from Thermus thermophilus HB27, TtOmp85, and one of its potential substrates, TtoA.&lt;br /&gt;The nAChR is a ligand-gated ion channel which belongs to the superfamily of  Cys-loop receptors  and plays a keyrole in synaptic transmission of neuronal signals. nAChRs consist of five homologous subunits composed as tissue-specific homo- or heteropentamers. So far, only a structure of 4.0 Å resolution derived from electron microscopy on tubular 2D-crystals is available for whole nAChR pentamers from Torpedo marmorata. Albeit two high resolution structures of prokaryotic homologues were published recently, a high-resolution structure of the nAChR is still missing. Microcrystals obtained from preparations of detergent-solubilized nAChR-enriched membranes from the electric organ of the pacific ray Torpedo california were reported already in 1988, but the properties of those crystals remained uncharacterized. In the work presented here, such crystals were examined by synchroton radiation and diffraction patterns typical for protein crystals were recorded. Diffraction of those crystals was limited to 20 Å resolution, possible spacegroup and unit-cell parameters were determined with the recorded data. Neither refinement of the crystallization conditions nor optimization of the purification protocol allowed to grow crystals of solubilized nAChR suitable for high resolution X-ray structure determination.&lt;br /&gt;Proteins belonging to the Omp85 family are involved in the assembly of beta-barrel outer membrane proteins or in the translocation of proteins across the outer membrane in bacteria, mitochondria and chloroplasts. The thermophilic bacterium Thermus thermophilus represents an intermediate between Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria with an only roughly characterized outer membrane. It encodes one Omp85-like protein, TtOmp85, which represents an ancestral type of this family. TtOmp85 was overexpressed in T. thermophilus strain HB27 and natively purified from preparations of the outer membrane. In the presence of detergent, purified TtOmp85 existed mainly as a monomer, composed of two stable protease-resistant modules. Detergent solubilized TtOmp85 was used for crystallization experiments and microcrystals appeared under crystallization conditions including PEG400 as precipitant. Crystals diffracted to 5.0 Å resolution and belonged to spacegroup C222 with unit cell dimensions of a = 96.3 Å, b = 416.1 Å, c = 94.3 Å; alpha = beta = gamma = 90°. Only a partial dataset could be collected because diffraction was anisotropic, depending on the orientation of the plate shaped microcrystals in the X-ray beam, and crystals rapidly accumulated radiation damage during proceeding datacollection. The structure of TtOmp85 could not be solved with the available data. Preparations of detergent solubilized TtOmp85 were provided for accompanying studies in collaborating working groups to further characterize TtOmp85.&lt;br /&gt;Only a few further outer membrane proteins from T. thermophilus are described. TtoA, a new beta-barrel outer membrane protein, was identified by bioinformatic analysis of the genome sequence of strain HB27. Results of an in vitro binding assay where TtoA bound to TtOmp85 suggest that insertion of proteins in the outer membrane in T. thermophilus might be similar to the mechanisms found in modern Gram-negative bacteria. TtoA was successfully crystallized and its structure was determined to a resolution of 2.8 Å, representing the first crystal structure of an outer membrane protein from a thermophilic bacterium. Crystals belonged to space group P3(1)21 with unit cell parameters a = b = 166.7 Å, c = 97.5 Å; alpha = beta = 90°, gamma = 120°. TtoA consists of an eight-stranded beta-barrel with a large extracellular part to which a divalent cation is bound. A five-stranded extracellular beta-sheet protrudes out of the membrane-embedded transmembrane barrel and is stabilized by a disulfide bridge. The edge of this beta-sheet forms crystal contacts with neighbouring TtoA molecules that could mimic physiologic interactions with other proteins.</dcterms:abstract>
    <dcterms:isPartOf rdf:resource="https://kops.uni-konstanz.de/server/rdf/resource/123456789/28"/>
    <dc:date rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime">2011-03-24T17:43:59Z</dc:date>
    <dspace:hasBitstream rdf:resource="https://kops.uni-konstanz.de/bitstream/123456789/8479/1/Diss_Brosig.pdf"/>
    <dc:contributor>Brosig, Alexander</dc:contributor>
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URL der Originalveröffentl.
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Prüfungsdatum der Dissertation
April 15, 2009
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