
UV-Effekte auf Zoosporen von Laminaria digitata



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UV-effects on zoospores of Laminaria digitata

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Effects of ultraviolet radiation on the formation and the germination of zoospores have been investigated in Laminaria digitata. Excised phylloid discs were exposed to controlled ultraviolet radiation of different qualities and intensities in the laboratory. Both sides of the discs were irradiated alternately. Rate of sorus formation, sorus area, zoospore release, amount of cyclobutane-pyrimidine dimers in DNA and germination rate of the released zoospores were determined. In order to determine the relevance of ultraviolet radiation for L.digitata, field measurements of irradiance were collected. The absorption characteristics of zoospore suspensions of the three Helgoland species of Laminaria were investigated. The investigations showed that for phylloid discs irradiated on both sides, ultraviolet radiation has no effect on sorus formation and sorus area. The germination rate of the zoospores was not negatively influenced by ultraviolet radiation during the formation of the sorus. This suggests an effective protection of the sporogenic tissue from ultraviolet radiation. DNA damage was shown in UVB irradiated phylloid discs. The DNA damage was higher in the non-fertile regions of the phylloid discs than in the sorus tissue. Therefore, additional UVB protection mechanisms are suspected. In the field, UVB intensities capable of damaging zoospores were found. In L. digitata, both the zoospores and exudates contribute to the UV absorption of zoospore suspensions. The proportion of the total absorption caused by exudates is higher in L. saccharina and L. hyperborea. In these species, the zoospores themselves show hardly any absorption. Possibly, a significant proportion of exudation takes place in the sorus tissue. All results indicate that L. digitata has adaptive answers to ultraviolet radiation, which counteract the detrimental effects of ultraviolet radiation. This diploma thesis was carried out at the Biologische Anstalt Helgoland. 1. Referee (Advisor): Professor Dr. P. Kroth, University of Konstanz; 2. Referee: Professor Dr. C. Wiencke, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven.

Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache

Effekte von UV-Strahlung auf Zoosporenbildung und Zoosporen-Keimungsfähigkeit bei Laminaria digitata wurden untersucht. Phylloid-Scheiben wurden im Labor kontrollierter UV-Strahlung ausgesetzt, die Bestrahlung erfolgte abwechselnd auf beiden Seiten der Scheiben mit unterschiedlichen Strahlungsqualitäten und -intensitäten. Geschwindigkeit der Sorusbildung, Sorus-Fläche, Zoosporenfreilassung, Gehalt der DNA an Cyklobutyl-Thymindimeren und Keimungsrate der freigelassenen Zoosporen wurden bestimmt. Um die Relevanz der UV-Strahlung für L. digitata zu belegen wurden Strahlungsmessungen im Freiland durchgeführt. Die Absorptionseigenschaften von Zoosporensuspensionen der drei Helgoländer Laminaria-Arten wurden untersucht. Die Untersuchungen haben für die zweiseitig bestrahlten Phylloid-Scheiben gezeigt, dass UV-Strahlung keinen hemmenden Effekt auf die Sorusbildung und die Sorus-Fläche hat. Die Keimungsraten der Zoosporen waren durch die Entwicklung der Sori unter UV-Bestrahlung nicht beeinträchtigt, was einen effizienten Schutz des sporogenen Gewebes vor UV-Strahlung nahelegt. DNA-Schädigung konnte in UVB-bestrahlten Phylloidscheiben nachgewiesen werden. Die DNA-Schädigung war in den nicht-fertilen Bereichen der Phylloid-Scheiben höher als im Sorusgewebe. Zusätzliche UVB-Schutzmechanismen im Sorusgewebe werden daher vermutet. Im Freiland wurden UVB-Bestrahlungsstärken gefunden, die geeignet sind, Schädigungen an Zoosporen zu verursachen. Zur Absorption von Zoosporensuspensionen im UV-Bereich tragen bei L. digitata die Zoosporen selbst sowie Exsudate im Medium bei. Der Anteil der Exsudate an der Gesamtabsorption ist bei L. saccharina und L. hyperborea höher, die Zoosporen selbst zeigen hier kaum Eigenabsorption. Möglicherweise geht ein Großteil der Exsudation auf das Sorus-Gewebe zurück. Alle Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass L. digitata adaptive Antworten auf UV-Strahlung zeigt, die der Schadenswirkung der UV-Strahlung entgegenwirken. Diese Diplomarbeit wurde an der Biologischen Anstalt Helgoland durchgeführt. 1. Gutachter (Betreuer): Professor Dr. P. Kroth, Universität Konstanz; 2. Gutachter: Professor Dr. C. Wiencke, Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven.

Fachgebiet (DDC)
570 Biowissenschaften, Biologie


Laminaria digitata, Sorus-Entwicklung, Sporogenese, Keimung, Cyklobutyl-Thymindimere (CPDs), Lebenszyklus, Laminaria digitata, sorus formation, sporogenesis, germinaton, cyclobutane-pyrimidine dimers (CPDs), life cycle


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Zugehörige Datensätze in KOPS


ISO 690GRUBER, Ansgar, 2004. UV-Effekte auf Zoosporen von Laminaria digitata [Master thesis]
  title={UV-Effekte auf Zoosporen von Laminaria digitata},
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    <dcterms:abstract xml:lang="eng">Effects of ultraviolet radiation on the formation and the germination of zoospores have been investigated in Laminaria digitata. Excised phylloid discs were exposed to controlled ultraviolet radiation of different qualities and intensities in the laboratory. Both sides of the discs were irradiated alternately. Rate of sorus formation, sorus area, zoospore release, amount of cyclobutane-pyrimidine dimers in DNA and germination rate of the released zoospores were determined. In order to determine the relevance of ultraviolet radiation for L.digitata, field measurements of irradiance were collected. The absorption characteristics of zoospore suspensions of the three Helgoland species of Laminaria were investigated. The investigations showed that for phylloid discs irradiated on both sides, ultraviolet radiation has no effect on sorus formation and sorus area. The germination rate of the zoospores was not negatively influenced by ultraviolet radiation during the formation of the sorus. This suggests an effective protection of the sporogenic tissue from ultraviolet radiation. DNA damage was shown in UVB irradiated phylloid discs. The DNA damage was higher in the non-fertile regions of the phylloid discs than in the sorus tissue. Therefore, additional UVB protection mechanisms are suspected. In the field, UVB intensities capable of damaging zoospores were found. In L. digitata, both the zoospores and exudates contribute to the UV absorption of zoospore suspensions. The proportion of the total absorption caused by exudates is higher in L. saccharina and L. hyperborea. In these species, the zoospores themselves show hardly any absorption. Possibly, a significant proportion of exudation takes place in the sorus tissue. All results indicate that L. digitata has adaptive answers to ultraviolet radiation, which counteract the detrimental effects of ultraviolet radiation. This diploma thesis was carried out at the Biologische Anstalt Helgoland. 1. Referee (Advisor): Professor Dr. P. Kroth, University of Konstanz; 2. Referee: Professor Dr. C. Wiencke, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven.</dcterms:abstract>

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