
If-Then Planning in Sports



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Titel in einer weiteren Sprache

Wenn-Dann Pläne im Sport : Ein Scoping Review

Erschienen in

Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie. Hogrefe & Huber. 2021, 28(3), pp. 109-120. ISSN 1612-5010. eISSN 2190-6300. Available under: doi: 10.1026/1612-5010/a000336


If-then planning (implementation intentions) describes a self-regulatory strategy that helps people to attain their goals across a variety of domains, such as achieving physical activity goals. Based on such beneficial effects, if-then plans are anecdotally discussed as a strategy to enhance sports-related performance as well. However, this discussion currently lacks an empirical basis. We therefore conducted a scoping review to identify experimental research on the effects of if-then planning on sports-related performance, potential moderators of these effects, the methodological approaches used, and the suitability of the available evidence for assessing the effectiveness of if-then planning in sports. Based on a search of four online databases, we identified a set of 11 studies that investigated if-then planning in experimental research with sports-related performance as an outcome measure. Six of these studies focused on if-then planning in endurance tasks, whereas the remaining studies investigated sports performance in domains that do not revolve primarily around endurance (e. g., tennis, golf, darts). The samples were often small and comprised university students; the conclusions drawn regarding the effectiveness of if-then planning for improving sports-related performance were rather heterogeneous. Still, most studies did shed light on tentative mechanisms (e. g., perceptions of effort and pain, arousal) and moderators (e. g., athletes’ beliefs about their performance limits, the feasibility of the behavior) of if-then planning in sports, guiding future research regarding the question of when and for whom if-then planning might be a beneficial strategy. Based on these findings, we identify the potentials and pitfalls of using if-then plans to enhance sports-related performance, discuss promising routes for future research, and derive practical implications for athletes and coaches.

Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache

Wenn-Dann Pläne (Implementierungsintentionen, engl. „implementation intentions“) sind eine selbstregulatorische Strategie, die Menschen beim Erreichen ihrer Ziele in vielen Domänen unterstützt, z. B. im Kontext körperlicher Aktivität. Basierend auf solchen positiven Effekten werden Wenn-Dann Pläne anekdotisch als Strategie zur Leistungssteigerung auch im Sport diskutiert. Allerdings fehlt dieser Diskussion derzeit eine empirische Grundlage. Wir haben daher einen Scoping-Review durchgeführt, um experimentelle Forschung zu Effekten von Wenn-Dann Plänen auf die sportbezogene Leistung, mögliche Moderatoren dieser Effekte, die verwendeten methodischen Ansätze und die Eignung der verfügbaren Evidenz zur Beurteilung der Wirksamkeit von Wenn-Dann Plänen im Sport aufzuzeigen. Basierend auf einer Suche in vier Online-Datenbanken identifizierten wir elf Studien, die Wenn-Dann Pläne in experimenteller Forschung mit sportbezogener Leistung als Ergebnismaß untersuchten. Sechs dieser Studien konzentrierten sich auf Wenn-Dann Pläne bei Ausdaueraufgaben, die restlichen Studien untersuchten sportliche Leistungen in Domänen jenseits der Ausdauer (z. B. Tennis, Golf, Darts). Die Stichproben waren oft klein und bestanden aus Universitätsstudierenden, und die Schlussfolgerungen bezüglich der Effektivität der Wenn-Dann Planung zur Verbesserung der sportbezogenen Leistung waren eher heterogen. Die Mehrzahl der Studien gibt jedoch Aufschluss über mögliche Mechanismen (z. B. Wahrnehmung von Anstrengung und Schmerz, Erregung) und Moderatoren (z. B. Überzeugungen der Athlet_innen über ihre Leistungsgrenzen, Durchführbarkeit des Verhaltens) von Wenn-Dann Plänen im Sport. Das kann die zukünftige Forschung dahingehend informieren, wann und für wen die Wenn-Dann Planung eine vorteilhafte Strategie sein könnte. Basierend auf diesen Erkenntnissen identifizieren wir Potenziale und Fallstricke beim Einsatz von Wenn-Dann Plänen zur sportlichen Leistungssteigerung, diskutieren vielversprechende Wege für zukünftige Forschung und leiten praktische Implikationen für Sportler_innen und Trainer_innen ab.

Fachgebiet (DDC)
796 Sport



undefined / . - undefined, undefined




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ISO 690BIELEKE, Maik, Wanja WOLFF, Chris ENGLERT, Peter M. GOLLWITZER, 2021. If-Then Planning in Sports. In: Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie. Hogrefe & Huber. 2021, 28(3), pp. 109-120. ISSN 1612-5010. eISSN 2190-6300. Available under: doi: 10.1026/1612-5010/a000336
  title={If-Then Planning in Sports},
  journal={Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie},
  author={Bieleke, Maik and Wolff, Wanja and Englert, Chris and Gollwitzer, Peter M.}
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    <dc:contributor>Gollwitzer, Peter M.</dc:contributor>
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    <dcterms:abstract xml:lang="eng">If-then planning (implementation intentions) describes a self-regulatory strategy that helps people to attain their goals across a variety of domains, such as achieving physical activity goals. Based on such beneficial effects, if-then plans are anecdotally discussed as a strategy to enhance sports-related performance as well. However, this discussion currently lacks an empirical basis. We therefore conducted a scoping review to identify experimental research on the effects of if-then planning on sports-related performance, potential moderators of these effects, the methodological approaches used, and the suitability of the available evidence for assessing the effectiveness of if-then planning in sports. Based on a search of four online databases, we identified a set of 11 studies that investigated if-then planning in experimental research with sports-related performance as an outcome measure. Six of these studies focused on if-then planning in endurance tasks, whereas the remaining studies investigated sports performance in domains that do not revolve primarily around endurance (e. g., tennis, golf, darts). The samples were often small and comprised university students; the conclusions drawn regarding the effectiveness of if-then planning for improving sports-related performance were rather heterogeneous. Still, most studies did shed light on tentative mechanisms (e. g., perceptions of effort and pain, arousal) and moderators (e. g., athletes’ beliefs about their performance limits, the feasibility of the behavior) of if-then planning in sports, guiding future research regarding the question of when and for whom if-then planning might be a beneficial strategy. Based on these findings, we identify the potentials and pitfalls of using if-then plans to enhance sports-related performance, discuss promising routes for future research, and derive practical implications for athletes and coaches.</dcterms:abstract>
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    <dc:creator>Gollwitzer, Peter M.</dc:creator>
    <dc:creator>Wolff, Wanja</dc:creator>
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