Environmental effects on flying migrants revealed by radar
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Core Facility der Universität Konstanz
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Migratory animals are affected by various factors during their journeys, and the study of animal movement by radars has been instrumental in revealing key influences of the environment on flying migrants. Radars enable the simultaneous tracking of many individuals of almost all sizes within the radar range during day and night, and under low visibility conditions. We review how atmospheric conditions, geographic features and human development affect the behavior of migrating insects and birds as recorded by radars. We focus on flight initiation and termination, as well as in‐flight behavior that includes changes in animal flight direction, speed and altitude. We have identified several similarities and differences in the behavioral responses of aerial migrants including an overlooked similarity in the use of thermal updrafts by very small (e.g. aphids) and very large (e.g. vultures) migrants. We propose that many aerial migrants modulate their migratory flights in relation to the interaction between atmospheric conditions and geographic features. For example, aerial migrants that encounter crosswind may terminate their flight or continue their migration and may also drift or compensate for lateral displacement depending on their position (over land, near the coast or over sea). We propose several promising directions for future research, including the development and application of algorithms for tracking insects, bats and large aggregations of animals using weather radars. Additionally, an important contribution will be the spatial expansion of aeroecological radar studies to Africa, most of Asia and South America where no such studies have been undertaken. Quantifying the role of migrants in ecosystems and specifically estimating the number of departing birds from stopover sites using low‐elevation radar scans is important for quantifying migrant–habitat relationships. This information, together with estimates of population demographics and migrant abundance, can help resolve the long‐term dynamics of migrant populations facing large‐scale environmental changes.
Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache
Fachgebiet (DDC)
ISO 690
BECCIU, Paolo, Myles MENZ, Annika AURBACH, Sergio A. CABRERA‐CRUZ, Charlotte E. WAINWRIGHT, Martina SCACCO, Michał CIACH, Lars B. PETTERSSON, Ivan MAGGINI, Gonzalo M. ARROYO, 2019. Environmental effects on flying migrants revealed by radar. In: Ecography. 2019, 42(5), pp. 942-955. ISSN 0906-7590. eISSN 1600-0587. Available under: doi: 10.1111/ecog.03995BibTex
@article{Becciu2019-05Envir-47710, year={2019}, doi={10.1111/ecog.03995}, title={Environmental effects on flying migrants revealed by radar}, number={5}, volume={42}, issn={0906-7590}, journal={Ecography}, pages={942--955}, author={Becciu, Paolo and Menz, Myles and Aurbach, Annika and Cabrera‐Cruz, Sergio A. and Wainwright, Charlotte E. and Scacco, Martina and Ciach, Michał and Pettersson, Lars B. and Maggini, Ivan and Arroyo, Gonzalo M.} }
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