
Micrometer and Sub-Micrometer Structure Formation of Phase Separating Polymer Films



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Walheim, Stefan



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Core Facility der Universität Konstanz

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Titel in einer weiteren Sprache

Mikrometer- und Submikrometer-Strukturierung phasenseparierender Polymerfilme

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Dissolving two incompatible polymers in a common solvent and spin-coating the solution leads to phase separation during the evaporation of the solvent. Spinodal decomposition is the underlying process. In the thin film geometry, surface directed spinodal decomposition and also wetting properties of the different phases play an important role during the structure formation process. Thus, the phase morphology can be organized normal or parallel to the film surface depending on the surface energy of the substrate. We make use of the substrate sensitivity of the demixing process. By using chemically heterogeneous pre-structured substrates made by micro-contact printing an arbitrary substrate pattern can be used to induce a lateral composition variation in the polymer film. Thus, by controlling the phase morphology, one can create surfaces with new properties, e.g. lithography masks, optical devices, or biological sensors. For instance this novel structuring technique can be applied to ion conducting organic-inorganic hybrid materials and polymer-metal precursors for high Tc superconductors. More complex morphologies are found after spin-casting ternary polymer blends. If one of the polymer-polymer interaction parameters exceeds the sum of the other two, the morphologies can be considered as two-dimensional emulsions. Simulation results performed by Nauman et al. closely resemble the morphologies observed in our study.
Laterally isotropic phase separated polymer films can feature new physical properties. For example if one of the two polymers of a phase morphology with a lateral length scale below 200 nm is removed, the resulting nano-porous film can be used as a high-performance anti-reflection coating. The refractive index of these films can be adjusted in a range from 1.6 down to 1.05 by varying the polymer composition of the solution. This allows the build up of multi-layer AR-coatings with a broad spectral transmission.

Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache

Diese Arbeit beschreibt die Strukturbildung im Mikrometer- und Sub-Mikrometer-Bereich in duennen Polymerfilmen. Werden zwei inkompatible Polymere in einem gemeinsamen Loesungsmittel geloest und mit einer Lackschleuder (spin-coater) ein duenner Film aus dieser Loesung hergestellt, so fuehrt dies zur Phasenseparation der beiden Polymerkomponenten waehrend des Verdampfens des Loesungsmittels. In der eingeschraenkten Geometrie eines duennen Films spielt oberflaecheninduzierte spinodale Entmischung, aber auch das Benetzungsverhalten der einzelnen Polymerphasen eine wichtige Rolle fuer den Strukturbildungsprozess. Durch die Verwendung von heterogen vorstrukturierten Substraten, hergestellt durch Mikrokontaktstempeln (µCP), koennen beliebige Muster in eine laterale Kompositionsvariation im Polymerfilm uebertragen werden. Dabei wird das mit µCP erzeugte Muster, das aus einer etwa 2 nm dicken molekularen Monolage besteht, in einen etwa 100 nm dicken Polymerfilm uebertragen, der sich innerhalb weniger Sekunden waehrend des spin-coating-Prozesses bildet. Durch diese kontrollierte Phasenseparation koennen Oberflaechen mit neuen Eigenschaften entstehen, deren Anwendung in der Lithographie, der Optik oder im Bereich der Biosensorik zu suchen sind. Zum Beispiel kann diese neue Methode angewendet werden, um ionenleitende organisch -anorganische Hybridmaterialien und Precursor von keramischen hoch-Tc Supraleitern zu strukturieren.
Aber auch lateral isotrope Phasenseparation kann zu Filmen mit neuen physikalischen Eigenschaften fuehren. Wird beispielsweise eine Polymerkomponente aus einem Film mit einer Morphologie auf der Laengenskala unterhalb 200 nm heraus geloest, erhaelt man einen nanoporoesen Film, der als hochwertige Antireflexschicht dienen kann. Dabei kann der Brechungsindex dieser Filme durch Wahl der Polymerzusammensetzung im Bereich von 1,6 -1,05 frei eingestellt werden. Dies ermoeglicht den Aufbau von Multischichtsystemen mit unerreicht breitbandiger Transmission.

Fachgebiet (DDC)
530 Physik


Antireflexschicht, Phasenseparation, Precursor fuer Hochtemperatursupraleiter, Ionenleiter organisch-anorganiches Hybridmaterial, Polymerlösung, spin-coating, micro-contact printing, nanoporous material, anti-reflection coating, pattern recognition


undefined / . - undefined, undefined




Zugehörige Datensätze in KOPS


ISO 690WALHEIM, Stefan, 2000. Micrometer and Sub-Micrometer Structure Formation of Phase Separating Polymer Films [Dissertation]. Konstanz: University of Konstanz
  title={Micrometer and Sub-Micrometer Structure Formation of Phase Separating Polymer Films},
  author={Walheim, Stefan},
  school={Universität Konstanz}
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    <dcterms:title>Micrometer and Sub-Micrometer Structure Formation of Phase Separating Polymer Films</dcterms:title>
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    <dcterms:abstract xml:lang="eng">Dissolving two incompatible polymers in a common solvent and spin-coating the solution leads to phase separation during the evaporation of the solvent. Spinodal decomposition is the underlying process. In the thin film geometry, surface directed spinodal decomposition and also wetting properties of the different phases play an important role during the structure formation process. Thus, the phase morphology can be organized normal or parallel to the film surface depending on the surface energy of the substrate. We make use of the substrate sensitivity of the demixing process. By using chemically heterogeneous pre-structured substrates made by micro-contact printing an arbitrary substrate pattern can be used to induce a lateral composition variation in the polymer film. Thus, by controlling the phase morphology, one can create surfaces with new properties, e.g. lithography masks, optical devices, or biological sensors. For instance this novel structuring technique can be applied to ion conducting organic-inorganic hybrid materials and polymer-metal precursors for high Tc superconductors. More complex  morphologies are found after spin-casting ternary polymer blends. If one of the polymer-polymer interaction parameters exceeds the sum of the other two, the morphologies can be considered as two-dimensional emulsions. Simulation results performed by Nauman et al. closely resemble the morphologies observed in our study.&lt;br /&gt;Laterally isotropic phase separated polymer films can feature new physical properties. For example if one of the two polymers of a phase morphology with a lateral length scale below 200 nm is removed, the resulting nano-porous film can be used as a high-performance anti-reflection coating. The refractive index of these films can be adjusted in a range from 1.6 down to 1.05 by varying the polymer composition of the solution. This allows the build up of multi-layer AR-coatings with a broad spectral transmission.</dcterms:abstract>

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Prüfungsdatum der Dissertation

May 31, 2000

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