Reaching Graduate Students : A Community of Practice for Teaching ICT Literacy
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Core Facility der Universität Konstanz
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This study explored the use of a community of practice for teaching information and communication technology (ICT) skills to graduate students. Two questions were posed. The first addressed the ICT skill needs of 15 students enrolled in a research methods course in chemistry education. The second focused on the use of a community of practice to facilitate ICT skill acquisition. Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected and analyzed. Results indicate that ICT instruction was most useful when: 1) students defined/interpreted information needs by recalling prior knowledge and experiences; 2) those interpretations were tested, refined, rejected, or revised for a specific purpose; 3) access to resources and tools (artifacts, symbols, and language) were readily available; and 4) formative feedback supported critical thinking about the information retrieval process. These findings provided important insights into using a community of practice to facilitate and reinforce learning.
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ISO 690
SMITH MACKLIN, Alexis, F. Bartow CULP, 2008. Reaching Graduate Students : A Community of Practice for Teaching ICT Literacy. In: KOHL-FREY, Oliver, ed., Bernd SCHMID-RUHE, ed.. Advanced Users : Information Literacy and Customized Services. 2008, pp. 53-71. ISBN 978-3-89318-053-0BibTex
@inproceedings{SmithMacklin2008Reach-4357, year={2008}, title={Reaching Graduate Students : A Community of Practice for Teaching ICT Literacy}, isbn={978-3-89318-053-0}, booktitle={Advanced Users : Information Literacy and Customized Services}, pages={53--71}, editor={Kohl-Frey, Oliver and Schmid-Ruhe, Bernd}, author={Smith Macklin, Alexis and Culp, F. Bartow} }
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