Intraoperative visualization of the pyramidal tract by diffusion-tensor-imaging-based fiber tracking
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Core Facility der Universität Konstanz
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Functional neuronavigation allows intraoperative visualization of cortical eloquent brain areas. Major white matter tracts, such as the pyramidal tract, can be delineated by diffusion-tensor-imaging based fiber tracking. These tractography data were integrated into 3-D datasets applied for neuronavigation by rigid registration of the diffusion images with standard anatomical image data so that their course could be superimposed onto the surgical field during resection of gliomas. Intraoperative high-field magnetic resonance imaging was used to compensate for the effects of brain shift, which amounted up to 8 mm. Despite image distortion of echo planar images, which was identified by non-linear registration techniques, navigation was reliable. In none of the 19 patients new postoperative neurological deficits were encountered. Intraoperative visualization of major white matter tracts allows save resection of gliomas near eloquent brain areas. A possible shifting of the pyramidal tract has to be taken into account after major tumor parts are resected.
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Fachgebiet (DDC)
ISO 690
NIMSKY, Christopher, Oliver GANSLANDT, Dorit MERHOF, A. Gregory SORENSEN, Rudolf FAHLBUSCH, 2006. Intraoperative visualization of the pyramidal tract by diffusion-tensor-imaging-based fiber tracking. In: Neuroimage. 2006, 30(4), pp. 1219-1229. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2005.11.001BibTex
@article{Nimsky2006Intra-5717, year={2006}, doi={10.1016/j.neuroimage.2005.11.001}, title={Intraoperative visualization of the pyramidal tract by diffusion-tensor-imaging-based fiber tracking}, number={4}, volume={30}, journal={Neuroimage}, pages={1219--1229}, author={Nimsky, Christopher and Ganslandt, Oliver and Merhof, Dorit and Sorensen, A. Gregory and Fahlbusch, Rudolf} }
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