Argus Vision : A Tracking Tool for Exhibition Designers
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Contemporary exhibitions are increasingly staged using extensive and often interactive media. To create such exhibitions, exhibition design companies employ professionals from a wide range of different disciplines. The support of interdisciplinary exhibition designers in the design process is one goal of research in Human-Computer Interaction. This includes the deployment of Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Tools that enable professionals from all disciplines involved to design and create interactive media themselves. In this paper, we will present Argus Vision, a DIY Tool, which allows exhibition designers the use of camera-tracking to rapidly prototype and develop immersive exhibitions and interactive installations. We successfully used Argus Vision in two real-world case studies both in the prototyping and in the deployment of two installations in exhibitions. Additionally, we conducted expert interviews with exhibition designers, investigating the tool’s usefulness for them.
Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache
Fachgebiet (DDC)
ISO 690
SKOWRONSKI, Moritz, Daniel KLINKHAMMER, Harald REITERER, 2019. Argus Vision : A Tracking Tool for Exhibition Designers. In: i-com : Journal of Interactive Media. 2019, 18(1), pp. 41-53. ISSN 1618-162X. eISSN 2196-6826. Available under: doi: 10.1515/icom-2019-0001BibTex
@article{Skowronski2019-04-26Argus-45684, year={2019}, doi={10.1515/icom-2019-0001}, title={Argus Vision : A Tracking Tool for Exhibition Designers}, number={1}, volume={18}, issn={1618-162X}, journal={i-com : Journal of Interactive Media}, pages={41--53}, author={Skowronski, Moritz and Klinkhammer, Daniel and Reiterer, Harald} }
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