Adaptive POD basis computation for parametrized nonlinear systems using optimal snapshot location
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The construction of reduced-order models for parametrized partial differential systems using proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) is based on the information of the so-called snapshots. These provide the spatial distribution of the nonlinear system at discrete parameter and/or time instances. In this work a strategy is used, where the POD reduced-order model is improved by choosing additional snapshot locations in an optimal way; see Kunisch and Volkwein (ESAIM: M2AN, 44:509-529, 2010). These optimal snapshot locations influences the POD basis functions and therefore the POD reduced-order model. This strategy is used to build up a POD basis on a parameter set in an adaptive way. The approach is illustrated by the construction of the POD reduced-order model for the complex-valued Helmholtz equation.
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Fachgebiet (DDC)
ISO 690
LASS, Oliver, Stefan VOLKWEIN, 2012. Adaptive POD basis computation for parametrized nonlinear systems using optimal snapshot locationBibTex
@unpublished{Lass2012Adapt-19173, year={2012}, title={Adaptive POD basis computation for parametrized nonlinear systems using optimal snapshot location}, author={Lass, Oliver and Volkwein, Stefan} }
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