Regulation of Hdm2/HdmX-mediated ubiquitination and neddylation

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Rojas Fernandez, Alejandro
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Core Facility der Universität Konstanz
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Regulierung der Hdm2/HdmX-abhängigen Ubiquitinierung und Neddylierung
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In response to stress (i.e. DNA damage, nucleolar or oxidative stress), mammalian cells stop their cell cycle and induce the transcription of a group of genes involved in repair of the damage. When the damage exceeds the natural barriers, the cells die by the induction of apoptosis genes. One of the key regulators of both responses is the tumor suppressor p53. According to its central role in the regulation of the cell cycle, the pathway of p53 is deregulated in almost all human tumors. The protein amount of p53 is maintained at very low levels by the ubiquitin E3 ligase Hdm2 and its related protein HdmX. The activity of p53 as a transcription factor is regulated by several proteins which directly bind to p53, (i.e Hdm2 and HdmX). In addition, several post-translational modifications as ubiquitination, neddylation, sumoylation, phosphorylation, methylation, and acetylation have been reported to regulate p53 activity. Neddylation of p53 has been shown to occur in an Hdm2-dependent manner inactivating p53 activity as a transcription factor.
In the specific case of nucleolar stress, some ribosomal proteins such as L5, L11 and L23 are relocated into the nucleoplasm. They block the Hdm2-mediated ubiquitination of p53 by which it induces cells cycle arrest and apoptosis.
This work is divided in four projects. i) The development of a technique which can provide a fast, reliable and homogenous knockdown in order to characterize the effect of downregulation of Hdm2 and HdmX in cells lacking p53 and in cells carrying wt p53. ii) The search of new interacting partners of HdmX which can regulate its enhancing effect on Hdm2-mediated ubiquitination and neddylation of p53. iii) In this work a new conjugating enzyme for Nedd8 (Nce2) is described. Here, Nce2 was characterized biochemically as a specific conjugating enzyme for Nedd8. In addition, it was discovered an auto-reactivity (auto-neddylation) of the Nedd8 conjugating enzymes Nce2 and Ubc12. Finally, the contribution of these enzymes to the neddylation of p53 was tested. iv) Using an in vitro system, a direct and specific inhibitory effect of L11 on the Hdm2-mediated ubiquitination of substrates was detected, which can be rescued partially by HdmX. This reveals an important buffering role of HdmX during the repression of Hdm2 induced by nucleolar stress.

Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache

Säugerzellen antworten auf zellulären Stress, wie z.B. DNA-Schäden nukleolarem oder oxidativem Stress, durch Arretieren des Zellzyklus und Induktion der Transkription einer Gruppe von Genen, welche an der Reparatur des Schadens beteiligt sind. Geht der Schaden über bestimmte Grenzen hinaus, so stirbt die Zelle durch Induktion der Apoptose. Eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Regulierung beider Stressantworten hat der Tumorsuppressor p53. Entsprechend seiner zentralen Funktion in der Regulation des Zellzyklus wurde gezeigt, dass der Signalweg von p53 in fast allen menschlichen Tumoren gestört vorliegt. Die Proteinmenge von p53 wird durch die Ubiquitin E3 Ligase Hdm2 zusammen mit HdmX auf einem relativ niedrigen Level gehalten. Die Aktivität von p53 als Transkriptionsfaktor wird durch verschiedene Proteine reguliert, die direkt an p53 binden. Zusätzlich wurde gezeigt, dass einige posttranslationale Modifikationen wie Ubiquitinierung, Neddylierung, Sumoylierung, Phosphorylierung, Methylierung und Acetylierung die Aktivität von p53 beeinflussen. Neddylierung von p53 ist ein Hdm2-abhängiger Mechanismus und führt zur Inaktivierung von p53 als Transkriptionsfaktor.
Bei nukleolarem Stress werden einige ribosomalen Proteine wie L5, L11 und L23 ins Kernplasma relokalisiert. Dort blockieren sie den Mechanismus der Hdm2-vermittelten Ubiquitinierung von p53, was zur Arretierung des Zellzyklus und zur Apoptose führt.
Diese Arbeit ist in vier Projekte unterteilt: i) Die Entwicklung einer Technik, die den schnellen und zuverlässigen Knockdown ermöglicht, um den Effekt der Herabregulierung von Hdm2 und HdmX in p53-exprimierenden oder p53-defizienten Zellen zu untersuchen. ii) Die Beschreibung eines neuen E2 konjugierenden Enzyms von Nedd8 (Nce2). Nce2 wurde biochemisch als ein spezifisches E2 von Nedd8 charakterisiert. Außerdem wurde eine Autoreaktivität (Autoneddylierung) von Nce2 und dem schon bekannten Nedd8 E2 Ubc12 festgestellt und die Rolle der beiden Enzyme bei der Neddylierung von p53 bestimmt. iv) Der Effekt von L11 auf Hdm2 wurde in einem in vitro-System untersucht, wobei eine direkte und spezifische Inhibierung der Hdm2-vermittelten Ubiquitinierung von Substraten durch L11 festgestellt wurde, die durch HdmX aufgehoben werden kann. Das deutet auf eine wichtige Pufferfunktion von HdmX auf die durch nukleolaren Stress induzierte Inhibierung von Hdm2.

Fachgebiet (DDC)
570 Biowissenschaften, Biologie
Nedd8, Nce2, Ubc12, HdmX, MdmX, Hdm2, Mdm2
undefined / . - undefined, undefined
ISO 690ROJAS FERNANDEZ, Alejandro, 2010. Regulation of Hdm2/HdmX-mediated ubiquitination and neddylation [Dissertation]. Konstanz: University of Konstanz
  title={Regulation of Hdm2/HdmX-mediated ubiquitination and neddylation},
  author={Rojas Fernandez, Alejandro},
  school={Universität Konstanz}
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    <dcterms:abstract xml:lang="eng">In response to stress (i.e. DNA damage, nucleolar or oxidative stress), mammalian cells stop their cell cycle and induce the transcription of a group of genes involved in repair of the damage. When the damage exceeds the natural barriers, the cells die by the induction of apoptosis genes. One of the key regulators of both responses is the tumor suppressor p53. According to its central role in the regulation of the cell cycle, the pathway of p53 is deregulated in almost all human tumors. The protein amount of p53 is maintained at very low levels by the ubiquitin E3 ligase Hdm2 and its related protein HdmX. The activity of p53 as a transcription factor is regulated by several proteins which directly bind to p53, (i.e Hdm2 and HdmX). In addition, several post-translational modifications as ubiquitination, neddylation, sumoylation, phosphorylation, methylation, and acetylation have been reported to regulate p53 activity. Neddylation of p53 has been shown to occur in an Hdm2-dependent manner inactivating p53 activity as a transcription factor.&lt;br /&gt;In the specific case of nucleolar stress, some ribosomal proteins such as L5, L11 and L23 are relocated into the nucleoplasm. They block the Hdm2-mediated ubiquitination of p53 by which it induces cells cycle arrest and apoptosis.&lt;br /&gt;This work is divided in four projects. i) The development of a technique which can provide a fast, reliable and homogenous knockdown in order to characterize the effect of downregulation of Hdm2 and HdmX in cells lacking p53 and in cells carrying wt p53. ii) The search of new interacting partners of HdmX which can regulate its enhancing effect on Hdm2-mediated ubiquitination and neddylation of p53. iii) In this work a new conjugating enzyme for Nedd8 (Nce2) is described. Here, Nce2 was characterized biochemically as a specific conjugating enzyme for Nedd8. In addition, it was discovered an auto-reactivity (auto-neddylation) of the Nedd8 conjugating enzymes Nce2 and Ubc12. Finally, the contribution of these enzymes to the neddylation of p53 was tested. iv) Using an in vitro system, a direct and specific inhibitory effect of L11 on the Hdm2-mediated ubiquitination of substrates was detected, which can be rescued partially by HdmX. This reveals an important buffering role of HdmX during the repression of Hdm2 induced by nucleolar stress.</dcterms:abstract>
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URL der Originalveröffentl.
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Prüfungsdatum der Dissertation
June 28, 2010
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