
Etude comparée d apprentissage de séries chez l humain et chez le pigeon : Approche comportementale et modélisation



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Camps, Jean-François



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Comparative Study of serial learning in humans and pigeons : Behavioral approach and mathematical modeling

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Simultaneous serial learning abilities of pigeons and monkeys, studied since 1979, and those expressed by human subjects during complex activities, are refractory to an explanation in terms of successive chaining of the elements of a series into pairs. Human subjects and monkeys would develop a linear representation of the series to be learned in contrast to pigeons in which serial training would involve processes of conditional discrimination and such of the temporal distance separating each item from the reinforcer. We further specified the processes of simultaneous serial training by a detailed analysis of the instrumental behaviour. Therefore we used distractor items in addition to the to-be-learned items and a free correction procedure which allows subjects to correct their errors until producing the correct series. The subject is then reinforced (R) and a new trial starts. Training proceeds in several phases, with the addition of a new item at the beginning of list (backward conditioning: A-R, BA-R, CBA-R) or the end list (forward conditioning: A-R, AB-R, ABC-R). A 1. part, analysing acquisition of two- and three-item series in pigeons, reveals 1) a recency effect, 2) increased repeat pecks on the item followed by the reinforcer, and 3) a decreasing production of the items with their distance to the reinforcer. Backward conditioning further enhances these phenomena. This result was explained by the fact that the same item preceded reinforcement delivery across all training phases. These results suggest the attribution of a value to the items of the series according to their relative distance to the reinforcer. A 2. part compares, in human subjects and in pigeons, the abilities of generalization to new series and the extent to which subjects acquire item identity and position. It reveals a superiority of human performance with the absence of a recency effect and of item repeats, and a production of the items of the series in the correct order.

Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache

Les capacités d apprentissage sériel simultané de pigeons et de singes, étudiées depuis 1979, et celles dont témoignent des sujets humains lors d activités complexes, sont réfractaires à une explication en termes d un chaînage successif des éléments d une série par paires. Les sujets humains et les singes développeraient une représentation linéaire de la série à apprendre à l instar des pigeons chez lesquels l apprentissage sériel mettrait en jeu des processus de discrimination conditionnelle et de la distance temporelle relative de chaque item au renforçateur.
J ai précisé davantage les processus d apprentissage sériel simultané par une analyse détaillée du comportement instrumental grâce à l utilisation d items de distraction en plus des items à apprendre et à un protocole de libre correction qui permet aux sujets de corriger leurs erreurs jusqu à produire la série demandée. Le sujet est alors renforcé (R) et un nouvel essai commence. L apprentissage se déroule en plusieurs phases.
Une 1. partie, portant sur l acquisition de séries de deux ou de trois items chez le pigeon, révèle 1) effet de récence, 2) répétition accentuée de l item, 3) production décroissante des items avec leur distance au renforçateur. Le conditionnement rétroactif accentue ces phénomènes par le maintien du même item avant la distribution du renforcement. Cela suggère, chez le pigeon, l attribution d une valeur aux items de la série en fonction de leur distance relative au renforçateur.
Une 2. partie compare, chez l humain et chez le pigeon, les capacités de généralisation à des nouvelles séries et d apprentissage de l identité et de la position des items. Elle révèle une supériorité des performances humaines avec l absence d effet de récence et de répétition des items, et une production des items de la série dans l ordre demandé.
Une 3. partie a permis la modélisation et la simulation de certaines des hypothèses explicatives des capacités d apprentissage sériel chez les 2 espèces.

Fachgebiet (DDC)
150 Psychologie


serial learning, generalisation, reinforcement, value transfer, order, human, pigeon


undefined / . - undefined, undefined




Zugehörige Datensätze in KOPS


ISO 690CAMPS, Jean-François, 1998. Etude comparée d apprentissage de séries chez l humain et chez le pigeon : Approche comportementale et modélisation [Dissertation]. Konstanz: University of Konstanz
  title={Etude comparée d apprentissage de séries chez l humain et chez le pigeon : Approche comportementale et modélisation},
  author={Camps, Jean-François},
  school={Universität Konstanz}
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    <dcterms:abstract xml:lang="eng">Simultaneous serial learning abilities of pigeons and monkeys, studied since 1979, and those expressed by human subjects during complex activities, are refractory to an explanation in terms of successive chaining of the elements of a series into pairs. Human subjects and monkeys would develop a linear representation of the series to be learned in contrast to pigeons in which serial training would involve processes of conditional discrimination and such of the temporal distance separating each item from the reinforcer. We further specified the processes of simultaneous serial training by a detailed analysis of the instrumental behaviour. Therefore we used distractor items in addition to the to-be-learned items and a free correction procedure which allows subjects to correct their errors until producing the correct series. The subject is then reinforced (R) and a new trial starts. Training proceeds in several phases, with the addition of a new item at the beginning of list (backward conditioning: A-R, BA-R, CBA-R) or the end list (forward conditioning: A-R, AB-R, ABC-R). A 1. part, analysing acquisition of two- and three-item series in pigeons, reveals 1) a recency effect, 2) increased repeat pecks on the item followed by the reinforcer, and 3) a decreasing production of the items with their distance to the reinforcer. Backward conditioning further enhances these phenomena. This result was explained by the fact that the same item preceded reinforcement delivery across all training phases. These results suggest the attribution of a value to the items of the series according to their relative distance to the reinforcer. A 2. part compares, in human subjects and in pigeons, the abilities of generalization to new series and the extent to which subjects acquire item identity and position. It reveals a superiority of human performance with the absence of a recency effect and of item repeats, and a production of the items of the series in the correct order.</dcterms:abstract>
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Prüfungsdatum der Dissertation

October 31, 1998

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