Explanation Within Arm’s Reach : A Predictive Processing Framework for Single Arm Use in Octopuses
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Octopuses are highly intelligent animals with vertebrate-like cognitive and behavioural repertoires. Despite these similarities, vertebrate-based models of cognition and behaviour cannot always be successfully applied to octopuses, due to the structural and functional characteristics that have evolved in their nervous system in response to the unique challenges posed by octopus morphology. For instance, the octopus brain does not support a somatotopic or point-for-point spatial map of the body—an important feature of vertebrate nervous systems. Thus, while octopuses are capable of motor tasks whose vertebrate counterparts require detailed interoceptive monitoring, these movements may not be explainable using motor control frameworks premised on internal spatial representation. One such motor task is the extension of a single arm. The ability of octopuses to select and use a single arm without the guidance of a somatotopic map has been regarded as a motor control puzzle. In an attempt at a solution, this paper develops a predictive processing account of single-arm extension in octopuses.
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Fachgebiet (DDC)
ISO 690
CARLS-DIAMANTE, Sidney, 2023. Explanation Within Arm’s Reach : A Predictive Processing Framework for Single Arm Use in Octopuses. In: Erkenntnis. Springer. 2023, 88(4), pp. 1705-1720. ISSN 0165-0106. eISSN 1572-8420. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s10670-021-00424-7BibTex
@article{CarlsDiamante2023Expla-54141, year={2023}, doi={10.1007/s10670-021-00424-7}, title={Explanation Within Arm’s Reach : A Predictive Processing Framework for Single Arm Use in Octopuses}, number={4}, volume={88}, issn={0165-0106}, journal={Erkenntnis}, pages={1705--1720}, author={Carls-Diamante, Sidney} }
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