Lessons learned from the design and evaluation of visual information-seeking systems
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Designing information-seeking systems has become an increasingly complex task as today s information spaces are rapidly growing in quantity, heterogeneity, and dimensionality. The challenge is to provide user interfaces that have a satisfying usability and user experience even for novice users. Although information visualization and interaction design offer solutions, many informationseeking systems such as online catalogs for libraries or web search engines continue to use outdated user-interface concepts developed decades ago. In this paper, we will present four principles that we identified as crucial for the successful design of a modern visual information-seeking system.These are (1) to support variousways of formulating an information need, (2) to integrate analytical and browsing-oriented ways of exploration, (3) to provide views on different dimensions of the information space, and (4) to make search a pleasurable experience. These design principles are based on our experience over a long period in the user-centered design and evaluation of visual information-seeking systems. Accordingly, we will showcase individual designs from our own work of the past 10 years to illustrate each principle and hence narrow the gap between the scientific discussion and the designing practitioner that has often hindered research ideas from becoming reality. However, most of the times search is only one part of a higher level user activity (e.g. writing a paper). Thus future research should focus on the challenges when regarding search in such a broader context. We will use the final two chapters to point out some of these challenges and outline our vision of an integrated and consistent digital work environment named Zoomable Object-oriented Information Landscape.
Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache
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ISO 690
GERKEN, Jens, Mathias HEILIG, Hans-Christian JETTER, Sebastian REXHAUSEN, Mischa DEMARMELS, Werner A. KÖNIG, Harald REITERER, 2009. Lessons learned from the design and evaluation of visual information-seeking systems. In: International journal on digital libraries. 2009, 10(2/3), pp. 49-66. ISSN 1432-5012. eISSN 1432-1300. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s00799-009-0052-6BibTex
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