Girls and mathematics - a "hopeless" issue? : a control-value approach to gender differences in emotions towards mathematics
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This study analyzed gender differences in achievement emotions in the domain of mathematics. Based on Pekrun's (2000, 2006) controlvalue theory of achievement emotions, we hypothesized that there are gender differences in mathematics emotions due to the students' different levels of control and value beliefs in mathematics, even when controlling for prior achievement. The structural relationships between prior achievement, control and value beliefs, and emotions were assumed to be invariant across girls and boys in spite of hypothesized mean level differences of beliefs and emotions across genders. The emotions and beliefs of 1,036 male and 1,017female 5th grade students were assessed by self-report measures, and their prior mathematics achievement was assessed by academic grades. Even though girls and boys had received similar grades in mathematics, girls reported significantly less enjoyment and pride than boys, but more anxiety, hopelessness and shame. Findings suggested that the female emotional pattern was due to the girls' low competence beliefs and domain value of mathematics, combined with their high subjective values of achievement in mathematics. Multiple-group comparisons confirmed that the structural relationships between variables were largely invariant across the genders.
Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache
Cette etude porte sur les differences de genre en ce qui a trait aux "emotions mathematiques". S'appuyant sur la theorie emotionnelle des buts d'accomplissement ("control-value theory of achievement emotions") de Pekrun (2000, 2006), nous postulons la presence d'une difference de genre en ce qui a trait aux emotions mathematiques qui serait expliquee par les differents niveaux de perception de controle et de perception de valeur, specifiques au domaine des mathematiques, presentes par les eleves. Nous avons pose comme hypothese la presence de cette difference mime une fois I'accomplissement anterieur pris en consideration. En depit des differences de moyennes de niveaux anticipees a travers des genres en ce qui a trait aux perception de controle et de valeur ainsi qu 'aux emotions, nous avons presuppose que les rapports structuraux entre I'accomplissement anterieur, les perception de controle et de valeur et les emotions demeureraient invariants d travers des gargons et des filles. 1036 garfons et 1017 filles de cinquieme annee ont participe a l'etude. Leurs emotions, leurs perceptions de controle et leurs sentiments de valeur furent evalues a I 'aide de questionnaires d 'auto-evaluation et leur accomplissement anterieur en mathematiques fut mesure a partir de leurs resultats academiques. Malgre lefait que les ecolieres et les ecoliers avaient regu des resultats equivalents en mathematiques, les filles ont afftrme ressentir de maniere significative moins dejoie et defierte que les garfons, ainsi que plus d'anxiete, de desesperance et de honte. Les resultats suggerent que le pattern emotionnel feminin s'explique par les niveaux peu eleves du perception de controle et du perception d 'importance accorde au domaine, ceci associe au haut niveau du perception d'accomplissement. Les comparaisons multigroupes confirment en grande partie I'invariance, a travers des genres, des rapports structuraux entre les variables.
Fachgebiet (DDC)
ISO 690
FRENZEL, Anne C., Reinhard PEKRUN, Thomas GÖTZ, 2007. Girls and mathematics - a "hopeless" issue? : a control-value approach to gender differences in emotions towards mathematics. In: European Journal of Psychology of Education. 2007, 22(4), pp. 497-514. ISSN 0256-2928. eISSN 1878-5174. Available under: doi: 10.1007/BF03173468BibTex
@article{Frenzel2007Girls-501, year={2007}, doi={10.1007/BF03173468}, title={Girls and mathematics - a "hopeless" issue? : a control-value approach to gender differences in emotions towards mathematics}, number={4}, volume={22}, issn={0256-2928}, journal={European Journal of Psychology of Education}, pages={497--514}, author={Frenzel, Anne C. and Pekrun, Reinhard and Götz, Thomas} }
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