
Extrazelluläre Elektronenübertragung in einer syntrophen Kokultur aus Geobacter sulfurreducens und Wolinella succinogenes



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Kaden, Jan



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Extracellular electron transfer in a syntrophic coculture of Geobacter sulfurreducens and Wolinella succinogenes

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Syntrophic cocultures of Geobacter sulfurreducens and Wolinella succinogenes oxidize acetate with nitrate as terminal electron acceptor. It has been postulated earlier that the electrons are transferred in these cocultures not via hydrogen, but via a different carrier, e.g., a small c-type cytochrome. Actual a small (9.6 kDa) periplasmic cytochrome with a standard redox potential of - 169 mV was released by G. sulfurreducens during growth in pure as well as in coculture into the supernatant. This cytochrome was reduced by G. sulfurreducens and reoxidized by W. succinogenes. However, the release of the Cytochrome depends to a large extend on the growth conditions and is artificially stimulated. During analysis of concentrated culture supernatants other proteins were found, including at least two different cytochromes. The addition of cytochrome did neither stimulate growth of the coculture nor acetate oxidation in coculture suspensions. Therefore a specific electron transfer via the 9.6 kDa cytochrome in the observed coculture could be excluded. A release of quinoid substances as a possible electron carrier could not be confirmed. The internal pattern of quinones did not change during growth in coculture. Thus, the production of specific quinones during growth in coculture seems to be unlikely. In the present study, L-cysteine, which was provided as a reducing agent, was found to mediate the electrons between the two partners. Low concentrations of L-cysteine or L-cystine (10 - 100 µM) supported syntrophic growth, and no acetate oxidation was observed in the absence of cysteine or cystine. Cell suspensions of G. sulfurreducens or coculture cell suspensions reduced cystine to cysteine, and suspensions of W. succinogenes or coculture cell suspensions oxidized cysteine with nitrate, as measured by the formation or depletion of free thiol groups. Added cysteine was rapidly oxidized by the coculture during growth but the formed cystine was not entirely rereduced even under acceptor-limited conditions. The redox potential prevealing in acetate-oxidizing cocultures was 170 to 230 mV. Sulfide at low concentration supported syntrophic growth as well and could replace cysteine. Neither growth nor acetate oxidation could be observed with D-cysteine, homocysteine, cysteamine, 3-mercaptopropionate, dithiothreithol, thioglycolate, glutathione, coenzyme M, dimethylsulfoxide, trimethylamine-N-oxide, anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate, or ascorbate.

Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache

Syntrophe Kokulturen von Geobacter sulfurreducens und Wolinella succinogenes oxidieren Acetat mit Nitrat als terminalem Elektronenakzeptor. In dieser Kokultur scheidet eine Elektronenübertragung über Wasserstoff aus, es wurde daher die Existenz eines anderen Überträgers, z.B. ein kleines c-Typ Cytochroms, angenommen. Tatsächlich wird ein kleines (9.6 kDa) periplasmatisches Cytochrom mit einem Standard-Redoxpotential von - 169 mV von G. sulfurreducens während des Wachstums ins Medium abgegeben. Dieses Cytochrom wird von G. sulfurreducens reduziert und von W. succinogenes reoxidiert. Die Abgabe des Cytochroms ins Medium war jedoch stark von den Wachstumsbedingungen abhängig und konnte artifiziell induziert werden. In konzentriertem Kulturüberstand wurden weitere Proteine, davon mindestens zwei weitere c-Typ Cytochrome, nachgewiesen. Der Zusatz von Cytochrom stimulierte weder das Wachstum der Kokultur noch die Acetatoxidation in Kokultursuspensionen. Eine spezifische Elektronenübertragung durch das 9,6 kDa Cytochrom in der Kokultur wurde damit ausgeschlossen. Ein Export chinoider Substanzen als mögliche Elektronenüberträger in den Kulturüberstand konnte nicht eindeutig bestätigt werden. Auch im internen Chinonmuster konnten während des Wachstums in der Kokultur keine Veränderungen beobachtet werden, so dass speziell unter den Kokulturbedingungen synthetisierte Chinone unwahrscheinlich sind. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde gefunden, dass L-Cystein, welches als Reduktionsmittel zugesetzt wurde, die Elektronen zwischen den beiden Partnern überträgt. Der Zusatz von L-Cystein oder L-Cystin in geringer Konzentrationen (10 - 100 µM) ermöglichte syntrophes Wachstum. Außerdem wurde keine Acetatoxidation in Abwesenheit von Cystein oder Cystin beobachtet. Zellsuspensionen von G. sulfurreducens oder Kokultur Zellsuspensionen reduzierten Cystin zu Cystein und Suspensionen von W. succinogenes oder Kokultur Zellsuspensionen oxidierten Cystein mit Nitrat, was durch die Messung der Zu- oder Abnahme der Konzentration freier Thiolgruppen verfolgt wurde. Zugesetztes Cystein wurde in der Kokultur rasch oxidiert, das gebildete Cystin jedoch, sogar unter Akzeptor-limitierten Bedingungen nur langsam reoxidiert. Das in der wachsenden Kultur gemessene mittlere Redoxpotential lag zwischen 170 und -230 mV. Durch Zusatz von Sulfid zur Kokultur konnte die gleiche Stimulation erreicht werden und somit Cystein durch Sulfid ersetzt werden. Weder Wachstum noch Acetatoxidation konnte selbst mit Substanzen mit hoher struktureller Ähnlichkeit zu Cystein, wie D-Cystein, Homocystein, Cysteamin, 3-Mercaptopropionat, Dithiothreithol, Thioglycolat, Glutathion, Coenzyme M, Dimethylsulfoxid, Trimethylamin-N-oxid, Anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonat oder Ascorbat, beobachtet werden.

Fachgebiet (DDC)
570 Biowissenschaften, Biologie


Geobacter sulfurreducens, Syntrophie, Kokultur, Acetatoxidation, Cystinreduktion, Thiol, Interspecies hydrogen transfer, Interspecies electron transfer


undefined / . - undefined, undefined




Verknüpfte Datensätze


ISO 690KADEN, Jan, 2003. Extrazelluläre Elektronenübertragung in einer syntrophen Kokultur aus Geobacter sulfurreducens und Wolinella succinogenes [Dissertation]. Konstanz: University of Konstanz
  title={Extrazelluläre Elektronenübertragung in einer syntrophen Kokultur aus Geobacter sulfurreducens und Wolinella succinogenes},
  author={Kaden, Jan},
  school={Universität Konstanz}
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    <dcterms:alternative>Extracellular electron transfer in a syntrophic coculture of Geobacter sulfurreducens and Wolinella succinogenes</dcterms:alternative>
    <dc:creator>Kaden, Jan</dc:creator>
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    <dcterms:title>Extrazelluläre Elektronenübertragung in einer syntrophen Kokultur aus Geobacter sulfurreducens und Wolinella succinogenes</dcterms:title>
    <dc:date rdf:datatype="">2011-03-24T17:46:39Z</dc:date>
    <dcterms:abstract xml:lang="eng">Syntrophic cocultures of Geobacter sulfurreducens and Wolinella succinogenes oxidize acetate with nitrate as terminal electron acceptor. It has been postulated earlier that the electrons are transferred in these cocultures not via hydrogen, but via a different carrier, e.g., a small c-type cytochrome. Actual a small (9.6 kDa) periplasmic cytochrome with a standard redox potential of - 169 mV was released by G. sulfurreducens during growth in pure as well as in coculture into the supernatant. This cytochrome was reduced by G. sulfurreducens and reoxidized by W. succinogenes. However, the release of the Cytochrome depends to a large extend on the growth conditions and is artificially stimulated. During analysis of concentrated culture supernatants other proteins were found, including at least two different cytochromes. The addition of cytochrome did neither stimulate growth of the coculture nor acetate oxidation in coculture suspensions. Therefore a specific electron transfer via the 9.6 kDa cytochrome in the observed coculture could be excluded. A release of quinoid substances as a possible electron carrier could not be confirmed.  The internal pattern of quinones did not change during growth in coculture. Thus, the production of specific quinones during growth in coculture seems to be unlikely. In the present study, L-cysteine, which was provided as a reducing agent, was found to mediate the electrons between the two partners. Low concentrations of L-cysteine or L-cystine (10 - 100 µM) supported syntrophic growth, and no acetate oxidation was observed in the absence of cysteine or cystine. Cell suspensions of G. sulfurreducens or coculture cell suspensions reduced cystine to cysteine, and suspensions of W. succinogenes or coculture cell suspensions oxidized cysteine with nitrate, as measured by the formation or depletion of free thiol groups. Added cysteine was rapidly oxidized by the coculture during growth but the formed cystine was not entirely rereduced even under acceptor-limited conditions. The redox potential prevealing in acetate-oxidizing cocultures was   170 to   230 mV. Sulfide at low concentration supported syntrophic growth as well and could replace cysteine. Neither growth nor acetate oxidation could be observed with D-cysteine, homocysteine, cysteamine, 3-mercaptopropionate, dithiothreithol, thioglycolate, glutathione, coenzyme M, dimethylsulfoxide, trimethylamine-N-oxide, anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate, or ascorbate.</dcterms:abstract>
    <bibo:uri rdf:resource=""/>
    <dc:contributor>Kaden, Jan</dc:contributor>

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Prüfungsdatum der Dissertation

November 11, 2003

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