Influence of early life stress on psychophysiology in psychiatric patients

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Einfluss kindlicher Stresserfahrungen auf die Psychophysiologie in psychiatrischen Patienten
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The role of stress in the development and continuation of psychiatric disorders has been addressed in the context of different mental disorders. This dissertation aims at clarifying the effects of adverse experiences in psychiatric patients, which may add to the individual vulnerability for a psychiatric disorder. Drawing on the concept of allostatic load, we aimed to characterize a subgroup of patients through their specific stress-related psychophysiological response profile (symptom severity, altered neuroendocrine measures, and altered functional brain response), independent of the psychiatric diagnosis.
Adult inpatients (n= 102) with diagnoses of major depressive disorder, schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder, and drug addiction were compared to healthy subjects (n= 31) comparable in age and gender distribution to the patient group. Adverse experiences were determined through interview (ETI and PDS), which retrospectively assessed experiences of emotional neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse and/or traumatic events in different periods of life (between birth and present age). Stressful experiences of the mother during pregnancy were also a subject of enquiry. Psychiatric patients had experienced more prenatal stress, more adverse experiences in the time period from birth and the individual onset of puberty, and more lifetime traumatic events than healthy controls. Stress load before puberty in all participants was related to emotional, clinical, cortical, and neuroendocrine measures. A subset of patients with high early life stress (ELS) exhibited a characteristic psychophysiological response profile: high ELS was related to affective symptoms and PTSD, severity of disorder, dampened cortical activation by affective stimuli, elevated diurnal salivary cortisol profile and more pronounced salivary cortisol response to the magnetoencephalographic session, in which participants monitored affective pictures. As ELS was not evenly distributed among diagnoses, the assumption that can be drawn is that stress load during sensitive periods of brain development interacts with other environmental and vulnerability factors in its influence on mental illness. Results are discussed on the basis of current literature and a model integrating candidate variables in their impact on development of psychiatric disorders is suggested.

Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache

Der Einfluss von Stresserfahrungen auf die Entwicklung von psychischen Störungen wurde in verschiedenen Diagnosegruppen untersucht. Diese Dissertation hat zum Ziel, den Einfluss von Stress auf die individuelle Vulnerabilität für schwere psychiatrische Störungen störungsübergeifend zu präzisieren. Auf der Grundlage des Konzepts der Allostasis und dem damit verbundenen Allostic Load soll eine Gruppe von Patienten identifiziert werden, die sich durch ein von Stress verändertes psychophysiologisches Profil auszeichnet (Psychopatholgie, endokrine und elektrokortikale Kennwerte).
Zu diesem Zweck wurden insgesamt 102 psychiatrische Patienten mit depressiver Erkrankung, Schizophrenie, Borderline Persönlichkeit oder Drogenabhängigkeit untersucht sowie 31 gesunde Vergleichsprobanden. Stressvolle Ereignis wurden in einem standardisierten Interview erhoben, in welchem traumatische Erlebnisse, physische Gewalt, emotionale Vernachlässigung und sexueller Missbrauch erfragt wurden. Ebenso wurden, wenn möglich, die Mütter zu pränatalen Belastungen während der Schwangerschaft befragt. Psychiatrische Patienten erlebten im Vergleich zu der Kontrollgruppe mehr Kindheitsstress bis zur Pubertät, mehr traumatischen Erfahrungen sowie höhere pränatale Stressbelastung. Die Erhebung von Stresserfahrungen in unterschiedlichen Lebensphasen ergab Zusammenhänge zwischen der Stressbelastung in der Kindheit und elektrokortikalen, endokrinen und psychopathologischen Kennwerten. So zeigten Patienten mit hoher kindlicher Stressbelastung ein verändertes psychophysiologisches Profil. Sie hatten eine höhere Belastung von affektiven und posttraumatischen Symptomen, zeigten eine Unterdrückung kortikaler Hirnantworten auf emotionale Bilder sowie ein erhöhtes Speicheltageskortisolprofil und verstärkte Kortisolantwort auf die leicht stressige Untersuchung der kortikalen Hirnaktivität. Eine unerwartete ungleiche Verteilung der Stressbelastung zwischen den diagnostischen Gruppen und entsprechende diagnosespezifische Zusammenhänge zwischen den Kennwerten allostatischer Belastung legt jedoch die Annahme komplexer Wechselwirkungen zwischen frühem Stress und anderen Vulnerabilitätsfaktoren in ihrer Wirkung auf Ausbruch und Verlauf psychischer Störungen nahe. Ausgehend von neueren Studien zur Interaktion von Vulnerabilitätsfaktoren und den Ergebnissen dieser Untersuchung wird ein Wechselwirkungsmodell vorgeschlagen. Die Ergebnisse werden diskutiert.

Fachgebiet (DDC)
150 Psychologie
Stressbelastung in der Kindheit, HHN-Achse, IAPS, MEG, Psychiatrische Störungen, early life stress, psychopathology, MEG, IAPS, cortisol, HPA-axis
undefined / . - undefined, undefined
ISO 690WEBER, Katja, 2009. Influence of early life stress on psychophysiology in psychiatric patients [Dissertation]. Konstanz: University of Konstanz
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    <dcterms:abstract xml:lang="eng">The role of stress in the development and continuation of psychiatric disorders has been addressed in the context of different mental disorders. This dissertation aims at clarifying the effects of adverse experiences in psychiatric patients, which may add to the individual vulnerability for a psychiatric disorder. Drawing on the concept of allostatic load, we aimed to characterize a subgroup of patients through their specific stress-related psychophysiological response profile (symptom severity, altered neuroendocrine measures, and altered functional brain response), independent of the psychiatric diagnosis.&lt;br /&gt;Adult inpatients (n= 102) with diagnoses of major depressive disorder, schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder, and drug addiction were compared to healthy subjects (n= 31) comparable in age and gender distribution to the patient group. Adverse experiences were determined through interview (ETI and PDS), which retrospectively assessed experiences of emotional neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse and/or traumatic events in different periods of life (between birth and present age). Stressful experiences of the mother during pregnancy were also a subject of enquiry. Psychiatric patients had experienced more prenatal stress, more adverse experiences in the time period from birth and the individual onset of puberty, and more lifetime traumatic events than healthy controls. Stress load before puberty in all participants was related to emotional, clinical, cortical, and neuroendocrine measures. A subset of patients with high early life stress (ELS) exhibited a characteristic psychophysiological response profile: high ELS was related to affective symptoms and PTSD, severity of disorder, dampened cortical activation by affective stimuli, elevated diurnal salivary cortisol profile and more pronounced salivary cortisol response to the magnetoencephalographic session, in which participants monitored affective pictures. As ELS was not evenly distributed among diagnoses, the assumption that can be drawn is that stress load during sensitive periods of brain development interacts with other environmental and vulnerability factors in its influence on mental illness. Results are discussed on the basis of current literature and a model integrating candidate variables in their impact on development of psychiatric disorders is suggested.</dcterms:abstract>
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Prüfungsdatum der Dissertation
November 5, 2009
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