Social Capital and Good Governance : the Impact of Civil Society on Government Performance
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Core Facility der Universität Konstanz
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In his widely acclaimed study "Making Democracy Work" Robert Putnam has revived the classical argument that social capital, as measured by trust in others and activity in voluntary associations, can build the basis for more democratic processes. Inspired by this assumption and driven by a critique of Putnam s empirical work, this study attempts to rigorously test whether an active and trusting citizenry is conducive to good governance. Conducting several regression analyses, this study finds evidence that higher levels of social capital help to facilitate good governance. In an additional step, the research question is extended from merely asking whether civil society matters for better governance to which aspects of governance it could influence. Disaggregating the dependent variable into its single indicators reveals the impact of social capital to be especially pronounced for the control of corruption and the effectiveness of governments.
Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache
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ISO 690
EBERLE, Sarah, 2003. Social Capital and Good Governance : the Impact of Civil Society on Government Performance [Master thesis]BibTex
@mastersthesis{Eberle2003Socia-4209, year={2003}, title={Social Capital and Good Governance : the Impact of Civil Society on Government Performance}, author={Eberle, Sarah} }
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