Electromagnetic control of valley splitting in ideal and disordered Si quantum dots
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In silicon spin qubits, the valley splitting must be tuned far away from the qubit Zeeman splitting to prevent fast qubit relaxation. In this work, we study in detail how the valley splitting depends on the electric and magnetic fields as well as the quantum dot geometry for both ideal and disordered Si/SiGe interfaces. We theoretically model a realistic electrostatically defined quantum dot and find the exact ground and excited states for the out-of-plane electron motion. This enables us to find the electron envelope function and its dependence on the electric and magnetic fields. For a quantum dot with an ideal interface, the slight cyclotron motion of electrons driven by an in-plane magnetic field slightly increases the valley splitting. Importantly, our modeling makes it possible to analyze the effect of arbitrary configurations of interface disorders. In agreement with previous studies, we show that interface steps can significantly reduce the valley splitting. Interestingly, depending on where the interface steps are located, the magnetic field can increase or further suppress the valley splitting. Moreover, the valley splitting can scale linearly or, in the presence of interface steps, non-linearly with the electric field.
Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache
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ISO 690
HOSSEINKHANI, Amin, Guido BURKARD, 2020. Electromagnetic control of valley splitting in ideal and disordered Si quantum dots. In: Physical Review Research. American Physical Society. 2020, 2(4), 043180. eISSN 2643-1564. Available under: doi: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.043180BibTex
@article{Hosseinkhani2020-07-01T08:52:29ZElect-52385, year={2020}, doi={10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.043180}, title={Electromagnetic control of valley splitting in ideal and disordered Si quantum dots}, number={4}, volume={2}, journal={Physical Review Research}, author={Hosseinkhani, Amin and Burkard, Guido}, note={Article Number: 043180} }
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