
Execution and elimination of apoptotic cells



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Schwoebel, Frank



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Exekution und Elimination apoptotischer Zellen

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The uptake of apoptotic cells by professional phagocytes like macrophages is not only a non-inflammatory but also an active anti-inflammatory process.
a)To examine these immunomodulating effects of dying cells an in vitro co-culture system using primary murine cells was established.
b)Co-incubation of macrophages with apoptotic cells followed by stimulation with LPS resulted in a decrease of inflammatory TNFá and an increase of anti-inflammtory IL­10 release and thereby changed the response of macrophages, when compared with LPS stimulation alone. Similar results were obtained with as different target cells as apoptotic isogenic mouse thymoma S49.1 cells, Jurkat T cells or primary thymocytes. Interestingly, some types of necrotic cells such as ATP-depleted Jurkat T cells had also anti-inflammatory effects in the co-culture system.
c)The effect apoptotic cells have on other macrophage functions, i.e. phagocytosis, was examined with a sensitive assay, based on fluorescence labelled E.coli particles. Pre-incubation with apoptotic cells had no effect on E.coli phagocytosis.

In cases of massive apoptosis the phagocytic capacity can be limited and secondary lysis occurs. Caspase-3 release should be detected under these circumstances.
a)Stable activity of recombinant caspase-3 was demonstrated in several biological fluids by DEVD-afc cleavage.
b)Caspase-3 activity could be detected in vitro in the supernatant of apoptotic cells.

Hsp70 can be released from necrotic cells and is also expressed on the surface of stressed cell as a danger-signal . Hsp70 was postulated to take the function of an inflammatory cytokine.
a)Addition of some Hsp70 preparations was found to induce macrophages to produce inflammatory mediators.
b)The use of two low endotoxin Hsp70 preparations reproducibly failed to induce this response.

Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache

Die Aufnahme von apoptotischen Zellen duch professionelle Phagozyten ist nicht nur ein nicht entzündlicher, sondern vielmehr ein antiinflammatorischer Vorgang.
a)Um diese immunmodulatorischen Effekte sterbender Zellen zu untersuchen wurde ein Cokultursystem mit primären Mauszellen aufgebaut. b)Im Vergleich zur Stimulation mit LPS wurden nach Coinkubation von Makrophagen mit apoptotischen Zellen und anschließender Stimulation mit LPS erhöhte anti-inflammatorische IL-10 und reduzierte inflammatorische TNFα Konzentrationen gemessen. Vergleichbare Ergebnisse wurden mit apoptotischen primären Thymozyten und apoptotische Zellen der isogenetischen Mausthymomazelllinie S49.1 oder der humanen Jurkat T Zelllinie erzielt. Interessant war, daß gewisse Typen nekrotische Jurkatzellen die gleichen Effekte hervorriefen wie apoptotische Zellen.
c)Der Einfluß apoptotischer Zellen auf die Phagozytoseaktivität von Makrophagen wurde mit einem sensitiven Assay untersucht, der auf der Verwendung von fluoreszenzmarkierten E.coli-Partikeln beruht. Apoptotische Zellen haben keinen Einfluß auf diese Makrophagenfunktion.

In Fällen massiver Apoptose kann die Phagozytosekapazität begrenzt sein. In diesen Situationen könnte durch sekundäre Lyse aktive Caspase-3 freigesetzt werden.
a)In dieser Arbeit konnte die Stabilität einer rekombinanten Caspase-3 in unterschiedlichen biologischen Lösungen nachgewiesen werden.
b)Des weiteren konnte Caspase-3 Aktivität im Überstand apoptotischer Zellen festgestellt werden.

Vergleichbar zur Caspase-3 könnte auch Hsp70 unter ähnlichen Umständen von apoptotischen Zellen freigesetzt werden und ein Gefahrensignal lysierter Zellen darstellen. a)Stimulation von Makrophagen mit einigen Hsp70 Präparationen führt zur Freisetzung inflammatorischer Mediatoren über den TLR4.
b)Bei Verwendung zweier gering Endotoxin-kon

Fachgebiet (DDC)
570 Biowissenschaften, Biologie


immunomodulation, phagocytosis, cell death, caspases, hsp70


undefined / . - undefined, undefined




Verknüpfte Datensätze


ISO 690SCHWOEBEL, Frank, 2002. Execution and elimination of apoptotic cells [Dissertation]. Konstanz: University of Konstanz
  title={Execution and elimination of apoptotic cells},
  author={Schwoebel, Frank},
  school={Universität Konstanz}
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    <dcterms:abstract xml:lang="eng">The uptake of apoptotic cells by professional phagocytes like macrophages is not only a non-inflammatory but also an active anti-inflammatory process.&lt;br /&gt;a)To examine these immunomodulating effects of dying cells an in vitro co-culture system using primary murine cells was established.&lt;br /&gt;b)Co-incubation of macrophages with apoptotic cells followed by stimulation with LPS resulted in a decrease of inflammatory TNFá and an increase of anti-inflammtory IL­10 release and thereby changed the response of macrophages, when compared with LPS stimulation alone. Similar results were obtained with as different target cells as apoptotic isogenic mouse thymoma S49.1 cells, Jurkat T cells or primary thymocytes. Interestingly, some types of necrotic cells such as ATP-depleted Jurkat T cells had also anti-inflammatory effects in the co-culture system.&lt;br /&gt;c)The effect apoptotic cells have on other macrophage functions, i.e. phagocytosis, was examined with a sensitive assay, based on fluorescence labelled E.coli particles. Pre-incubation with apoptotic cells had no effect on E.coli phagocytosis.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;In cases of massive apoptosis the phagocytic capacity can be limited and secondary lysis occurs. Caspase-3 release should be detected under these circumstances.&lt;br /&gt;a)Stable activity of recombinant caspase-3 was demonstrated in several biological fluids by DEVD-afc cleavage.&lt;br /&gt;b)Caspase-3 activity could be detected in vitro in the supernatant of apoptotic cells.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Hsp70 can be released from necrotic cells and is also expressed on the surface of stressed cell as a  danger-signal . Hsp70 was postulated to take the function of an inflammatory cytokine.&lt;br /&gt;a)Addition of some Hsp70 preparations was found to induce macrophages to produce inflammatory mediators.&lt;br /&gt;b)The use of two low endotoxin Hsp70 preparations reproducibly failed to induce this response.</dcterms:abstract>
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Prüfungsdatum der Dissertation

November 28, 2002

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