Die Idee anamnetischer Solidarität : Erinnerungskultur, Gedächtnispolitik, Gerechtigkeit
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Core Facility der Universität Konstanz
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Proponents of anamnestic solidarity - W. Benjamin, J. Habermas, P. Ricoeur and others - argue that it is an ethical duty to remember political crimes and the suffering of the victims. The article analyses the idea of anamnestic solidarity and identifies five different argu-ments, namely (i) the strong argument for justice based on religious and metaphysical pre-suppositions, (ii) the weak argument for justice focussing on the beneficial effect of re-memberance for those who are closely related to the victims, (iii) the argument from guilt and/or responsibility pointing to the collective identities of the victim and the malefactor, (iv) the universality argument, and (v) the preventive argument. I claim that (ii) and (iii) are important arguments for anamnestic solidarity whereas (i), (iv), and (v) are either not con-clusive or not sufficient to justify the thesis of the proponents.
Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache
Fachgebiet (DDC)
ISO 690
TEICHERT, Dieter, 2009. Die Idee anamnetischer Solidarität : Erinnerungskultur, Gedächtnispolitik, Gerechtigkeit. In: Scientific Annals of the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi : Philosophy. “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University Press. 2009, 56(1), pp. 73-90. ISSN 1221-8413BibTex
@article{Teichert2009anamn-56224, year={2009}, title={Die Idee anamnetischer Solidarität : Erinnerungskultur, Gedächtnispolitik, Gerechtigkeit}, number={1}, volume={56}, issn={1221-8413}, journal={Scientific Annals of the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi : Philosophy}, pages={73--90}, author={Teichert, Dieter} }
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