Assessment of the relevance of the antibiotic 2-amino-3-(oxirane-2,3-dicarboxamido)-propanoyl-valine from Pantoea agglomerans biological control strains against bacterial plant pathogens
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The epiphyte Pantoea agglomerans 48b/90 (Pa48b) is a promising biocontrol strain against economically important bacterial pathogens such as Erwinia amylovora. Strain Pa48b produces the broad-spectrum antibiotic 2-amino-3-(oxirane-2,3-dicarboxamido)-propanoyl-valine (APV) in a temperature-dependent manner. An APV-negative mutant still suppressed the E. amylovora population and fire blight disease symptoms in apple blossom experiments under greenhouse conditions, but was inferior to the Pa48b wild-type indicating the influence of APV in the antagonism. In plant experiments with the soybean pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea both, Pa48b and the APV-negative mutant, successfully suppressed the pathogen. Our results demonstrate that the P. agglomerans strain Pa48b is an efficient biocontrol organism against plant pathogens, and we prove its ability for fast colonization of plant surfaces over a wide temperature range.
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ISO 690
SAMMER, Ulrike F., Katharina REIHER, Dieter SPITELLER, Annette WENSING, Beate VĂ–LKSCH, 2012. Assessment of the relevance of the antibiotic 2-amino-3-(oxirane-2,3-dicarboxamido)-propanoyl-valine from Pantoea agglomerans biological control strains against bacterial plant pathogens. In: MicrobiologyOpen. 2012, 1(4), pp. 438-449. ISSN 2045-8827. eISSN 2045-8827. Available under: doi: 10.1002/mbo3.43BibTex
@article{Sammer2012-12Asses-22026, year={2012}, doi={10.1002/mbo3.43}, title={Assessment of the relevance of the antibiotic 2-amino-3-(oxirane-2,3-dicarboxamido)-propanoyl-valine from Pantoea agglomerans biological control strains against bacterial plant pathogens}, number={4}, volume={1}, issn={2045-8827}, journal={MicrobiologyOpen}, pages={438--449}, author={Sammer, Ulrike F. and Reiher, Katharina and Spiteller, Dieter and Wensing, Annette and Völksch, Beate} }
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